Estate Planning Resources

Resources to help you navigate end-of-life planning and manage your earthly investments towards eternal purposes.

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We've made arrangements with GiftWise to provide online will preparation services for free to our church family.


GiftWise Training (short version)

GiftWise Training (long version)

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Life Institute

Stewardship from a Biblical World View

Priorities from a Biblical World View

Financial, Tax & Retirement Planning - Wealth Management from a Biblical World View

Estate Planning from a Biblical World View

Maturity Matters Estate Planning Seminar

Taking Care of Tomorrow Today

Advanced Care Planning

Taking Care of Tomorrow Today, Part 1

Taking Care of Tomorrow Today, Part 2

Taking Care of Tomorrow Today, Part 3

Taking Care of Tomorrow Today, Part 4

Taking Care of Tomorrow Today, Part 5


Conversational Topics

Sample Testimony

If you are a Christian and do not have your testimony in your will, the following has been prepared for you to use as an example. The scripture references are only suggestions, you may have others you would prefer using. The primary objective it to convey your desires to your heirs that you acknowledge God as the source and owner of all that you have and that you desire to pass your stewardship on to them.

Sample Testimony for Will

Will Preparation

Funeral & Memorial Planning

One of the last things people consider planning for, if at all, are end of life decisions that will have to be made by loved ones after their passing. However, if asked, you would probably have some definite opinions on what you would like done. In addition, most people have no concept of the cost of memorial and burial arrangements and have not made provision in their estate planning. Considering all these things ahead of time is wise.

Attorney Resources

Disclaimer: This Resource Guide has been developed by Grace Church of Mentor for its members' ("user") convenience and assistance in arranging their personal estate planning affairs. Use of these materials is done so with the understanding that Grace Church of Mentor, the publisher, and any author(s) make absolutely no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy, reliability, completeness, availability, or timeliness of the contents of this resource. Users of these materials understand and agree that Grace Church of Mentor, the publisher, author(s), and their employees, agents, heirs, and assigns are not liable for any damages, claims, causes of action, or negative consequences that may result from reliance on any of the information contained herein. Given that each person's estate plan is unique and that a number of federal, state, and local laws and regulations govern and impact estate planning, the information in this resource is not to be substituted for competent legal advice from a licensed attorney or tax professional in your state and should not be construed as or relied upon as legal advice. Any materials presented are from the public domain, and any opinions or recommendations are not necessarily those of Grace Church of Mentor. Any references to professions, firms, or their resources do not constitute endorsement of that resource or the practices of that professional.