Men's Ministry
Encouraging men to strengthen their spiritual walk, build authentic relationships, and lead with integrity in every aspect of life.

Mission & Activities
In addition to our regular worship schedule, Grace Church provides special opportunities for men to grow in Christ with other men. We offer group Bible studies and special events specifically tailored to disciple and encourage men.
Group Bible Studies
Weekly group Bible studies meet on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m.
Bible-Based Discipleship
Growing Together
One of our priorities at Grace is to share the good news of Jesus Christ and to help others grow and learn more about Him (Matthew 28:19-20). Every man at Grace has the opportunity to engage in ongoing, one-on-one Bible study with a spiritual mentor. We can help you connect with other men to study the Bible together as you develop meaningful, lasting relationships. Spiritual mentoring is key to our mission at Grace, with the goal of every Christian becoming not just a disciple of Jesus Christ, but a disciple-maker himself.
Learn more about discipleship at Grace.
Prayer Breakfast
Once a month, men meet for prayer and biblical fellowship over breakfast. Join us on the first Saturday at 8 a.m. (See Event calendar below for specific dates.)
Special Events & Service Opportunities
Using Your Gifts
In addition to regular worship and Bible studies, fellowship and service events provide opportunities to grow together, develop friendships, and serve the body of Christ “shoulder to shoulder.” See Event calendar below for more details on upcoming events.
Men regularly maintain our church facility and help with special projects throughout the year. Sign Up to Serve
Group Leaders
Stay up to date on current happenings!
Men’s Bible Study
Wednesday 7 PM
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
1st Saturday of every month, 8 AM

Frequently Asked Questions
Life Groups
Find fellowship around God’s Word in small groups organized around life stages.
Get In Touch
6883 Reynolds Road, Mentor, OH 44060