Principles from the Account of Gideon


The Link between Grace and a Gratitude Attitude


What does it mean for Christ to be the church's cornerstone? Part 2


What does it mean for Christ to be the church's cornerstone?


The Power of God’s Grace to the Gentiles, Part 2


The Power of God’s Grace to the Gentiles, Part 1


The Power of God’s Grace at Work (Ephesians 2:8-10)

God often uses the weak, insignificant, and the unworthy. We can think about Moses, Joshua, Daniel, Gideon, and more. God delights in using underdogs to achieve great victories and to display His power and glory. God does this through His grace. Today we will look at how God’s grace is applied and His work is accomplished.



The Power of God’s Grace through Christ. (Ephesians 2:4-7)

Some people spend their lives trying to do more good deeds than bad, hoping to close the gap of sin that separates us from God. Saying a prayer and doing good deeds cannot save us; God must make us spiritually alive. He does this through Christ by His grace.


The Power of God’s Grace in You

Just as Paul was changed from a persecutor of Christians to a called apostle of Jesus Christ, Ephesians 2 contrasts what we once were as sinners to the new creations we are in Christ by the power of God’s grace.
