

Mathew and Mary Yennaah serve the church in Ghana through pastoring, church planting, and training national pastors through the Peter Project.


South Africa

Marie and Mike Brunk have served the Lord through church planting and leadership training in South Africa since 2001. They were sent to the field by Athens Bible Church in Athens, Ohio.



Angie and Dan Huffstutler serve the Lord through church planting and theological training in Nairobi, Kenya. They were sent to the field by Inter-City Baptist Church in Allen Park, Michigan. Dan grew up in northern Illinois and was born again and baptized at 11 years old. Full-time ministry was not the goal in undergrad, but the Lord slowly changed his thinking, eventually training for ministry as a part-time graduate student prepared him for the ministry the Lord has called him to. Angie grew up in Wisconsin and was saved and baptized at age eight. Angie teaches Sunday school, ministers in music in churches and training ministries, and serves wherever help is needed.

Nairobi is a city of more than 3.5 million souls, where false doctrine is very prevalent. As the Lord leads, the Huffstutlers desire to assist in planting Bible-believing churches pastored by national men, by providing resources and theological training, and networking with and assisting nationals as they seek to plant and pastor churches.



Kevin and Sarah Sherman have been serving in Zambia since February, 2014. They are members at Faith Baptist Riverside where Kevin serves as a deacon. They also both teach full time at Central Africa Baptist College. Kevin oversees Bible doctrines courses and the doctrinal seminar, Greek and Critical Thinking courses. Sarah teaches several English courses.



Kathy and Todd Beaman have served the Lord through church planting and training nationals in Zambia since 2007. They were sent to the field by Trinity Baptist Church in Concord, New Hampshire. Todd and Kathy met in college, were married in 1993, graduated in 1994, Todd with a degree in Bible, and Kathy with a degree in elementary education. Todd and Kathy have four children: Andrew, Isaac, Emily, and Paul.

The Lord called the Beaman family to missions in 2004, and they began deputation the following year. Todd led a church planting endeavor and taught classes in a Bible college in Ndola, the third largest city in Zambia. In 2014 Calvary Baptist Church was initiated and the church buildings were completed allowing Todd to focus on discipleship. The Beaman family endeavors to include a literacy program, a first-aid station, a well for the people to draw water, and other areas of community service. In 2015, 35 souls were baptized and added to the church.

Their burden is to continue to reach farther into the bush with the Gospel. There are thousands of villages that have no Gospel witness in the Eastern Province of Zambia alone.


Zulu People, South Africa

Donald and Karen minister to the Zulu people in Embo, South Africa.



Manila, Philippines

Mila and Phil Kamibayashiyama are primarily involved in training nationals to advance the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ in Asia. Phil is a full-time teacher and the director of the Bible college in Manila. Mila is primarily a homemaker but also teaches and counsels ladies.

Phil and Mila are seeking to make disciples for the Lord Jesus, starting with their four children: Tim, Joy, Mark, and Paul. Phil is half-Japanese and half-Filipino but was born and raised in Chicago. After graduating college, Phil arrived in the Philippines in 1991 where he met Mila, who had just graduated from the Bible college where Phil is now the director. They were married in 1993. Besides the Bible college ministry, Phil was involved in pastoring in Paranaque City and church-planting in Quiapo, Manila. On Sundays, the "Ks" are ministering to one of the fifty churches which send students to the Bible college. Their desire is help Asians to make disciples among the peoples of Asia-the most populated and least evangelized continent in the world.



Erin and Brian Bollon are both natives of Michigan. They are being sent to make and mature disciples of Jesus Christ by Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Greenville, South Carolina to the people of Taiwan.

During seminary studies, God used a burden for Chinese people to direct them to Taiwan, a small island with around 23 million residents. Most are ethnic Chinese, and few are Christians. The Bollons moved to Taiwan in 2015, accompanied by their four children. A fifth child, Jonas (2019) is already with the Lord. For their first term they were primarily focused on language study. As their language skills improved, they became more involved in a church started by coworkers. But the most rewarding ministry was with unsaved friends they made through language classes or in their neighborhood.

The Bollons are continuing to improve their language ability and are excited about working with Taiwanese believers to evangelize and disciple, with the goal of starting a new church with the hope to eventually see Taiwanese converts plant new churches.




David and Naomi Minnick were brought together in marriage in 2010, and the Lord has since blessed them with five children: Caleb, Ethan, Eliana, Titus, and Hudson. They desire to advance God's kingdom in Australia through church planting and training the next generation of Australian leaders for the work of the ministry.



Amy and Dan Baker plan to serve in Australia by assisting in local church ministries and with national ministries that equip and encourage men. The Bakers have been sent to the field by Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Greenville, South Carolina.

Dan grew up in Greenville, South Carolina. Amy grew up in Williamson, New York. Amy earned her B.A. in English, completed a Masters in English education degree, and finished her M.A. in theology during which time she met Dan. They were married in May of 2001 and have three children. Dan finished his seminary class work in 2003 and traveled to explore the possibility of future ministry Down Under.

The Bakers arrived in northeastern Australia in December 2016 and spent 18 valuable months learning rural ministry in a town of about 1,300 people. In July of 2018, they moved to Cairns, Queensland—a city of about 150,000 that serves as a multi-national regional hub for the northeast corner of Australia. Dan and Amy serve in a team context in an established local church with members and regular attendees from New Zealand, Indonesia, the Philippines, England, South Africa, the U.S., PNG, and various Pacific islands. While the Bakers share the load of preaching, evangelism, personal discipleship, counseling, and Ladies Bible studies with their teammates, they particularly focus on Bible institute classes and leadership development. Because their team is already taking steps to plant another church on the other side of Cairns, the Bakers see the immediate necessity of training up Australian spiritual leadership per 2 Timothy 2:2 for both the mother and the daughter churches.




Luke and Anna Tanis were both raised in full-time ministry homes. They both had opportunities to be apart of mission trips in their single years, which God used to plant a seed of the need of spreading the Gospel globally.

They met serving at a Christian camp and were married in 2014. After several years serving on staff at a church in Minnesota, Luke and Anna Tanis moved to begin life and ministry on the island country of Malta in November 2021. They have two children: Theo (2018) and Layla (2020).

Malta has a population of over 500,000 people and is 98% Catholic. With relatively recent religious freedom, God has opened the door for the Gospel to spread in Malta and surrounding countries. Because of Malta’s location in the 10/40 window and Malta’s proximity to many closed countries, especially in North Africa, there are many opportunities to reach people: tourists, students and refugees alike.

The Tanis family joined a missionary team in Malta. Luke is serving as a pastor at Bible Baptist Church in Gzira, Malta, and is involved in weekly teaching and preaching. Besides ministering to other moms and ladies throughout the week, Anna helps with the music and children's ministry at church. They are helping develop leadership within Bible Baptist Church to serve as deacons and pastors, with the goal of handing over the church to leaders, so that they can continue to plant churches. They also are currently a part of planting a church on the nearby island of Gozo. Luke and Anna also have a burden to seek to reach out to university and ESL students in group and personal Bible studies. A long-term goal is to establish theological education both for the believers in Malta as well as connecting with surrounding countries who could come to Malta to receive theological education.


Rosa and Moises Campos are long-serving missionaries in Spain and are Spanish nationals. They received their biblical education in the United States, however, before they returned to Spain to plant a church in Olot, in the Catalonian region of Spain. As with the rest of Europe, it has been slow going; yet there is much to thank the Lord for. They are buying a building, and have a vibrant church started in Olot (though small by American standards).

The Campos family is working very hard to evangelize their area of Spain. Moises and Rosa Campos are beginning with a new church-plant in the Castellar region, southwest of Barcelona.



Stephanie and Tom Boehm plan to serve in Italy through church planting. They are being sent to the field by Trinity Bible Church in Greer, South Carolina.

The Boehms arrived in Italy in 2015 and have four children. They have worked alongside missionaries Sherry and Frank DiBagnio. The Boehms have been learning the language and culture, building redemptive relationships, and enjoying serving in various ministries in their small church and in their community. Their goal is to plant indigenous churches in Italy and begin training the next generation of believers there.



Jennifer and Daniel Arnold have been church planting missionaries in Germany since 2011. They were sent to the field by Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Greenville, South Carolina.

Daniel and Jennifer were married in 2003 and have four children. The Lord allowed them to take a survey trip together to Germany in 2005 and they arrived in Germany in 2011 assisting in a church plant in Nuremberg. They moved to Neunkirchen, and in January 2014 they began Bible studies in their home. After a year the Lord brought together a group of believers and provided a building in Eckental for the planting of Freie Baptisten-Gemeinde Eckental. A group of forty to sixty people meet for weekly services and the church also hosts weekly classes of the Theological Training Center that provides Biblical instruction for adults who attend like-minded churches all over Bavaria. A major goal is to train German men for the ministry and the leading of German churches.



Sarah and Theo van Reijn have served the Lord through church planting in the Netherlands since 2010 and were sent to the mission field by Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Greenville, South Carolina.

Theo and Sarah were married in July of 2002 and have four children. They departed for the Netherlands in 2010. Their goal is to plant churches in the primarily Roman Catholic province of Limburg, where strong family ties and a wariness of non-Catholic religious groups keep people loyal to their Catholic traditions.

Using widespread evangelism as well as personal, evangelistic Bible studies, the van Reijns desire to communicate the Gospel clearly in an increasingly Bible-illiterate society, and endeavor to establish a church that can serve as a mother church for future church plants. Once the church in Landgraaf is established and financially independent, the second phase of their mission will be the training of men to go out as church planters from the mother church to be sent around the Netherlands.


Rhuddlan, Wales, United Kingdom

Marcia and Steve McLean have been church planting in Wales since 2008 and were sent to the field by Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Greenville, South Carolina. Steve is from the Seattle area and Marcia is from western Pennsylvania. They met in college and were married in their sending church and have four daughters.

The Mcleans moved to the town of Rhuddlan in 2011 in order to lead in a church planting effort. They are focused on leading Rhuddlan Evangelical Church in reaching a younger, very unchurched generation. The main areas of ministry include outreach in the local village school, discipleship, and forming relationships within the community in order to open doors for the gospel. Wales is a part of the United Kingdom made up of 2.9 million people where both English and Welsh are spoken. Though once the scene of great revival, Wales has the lowest church attendance in the United Kingdom. Only about 2% of the Welsh population claim to attend an evangelical church of any kind.



Carol and Kevin Matthia both grew up on the mission field—Kevin in Germany, Carol in Hong Kong. They married in 1985 and have seven children. They have served in Germany since 1992 and were sent to the field by Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Greenville, South Carolina. The Lord called them to serve in Germany together with Kevin's sister and brother in-law, Krischa and Brad McKenzie.

In 1994 the Lord led the Matthias and the McKenzies to start a church in the former communist area of Magdeburg, East Germany. In 1996 they held their first summer camp in Besalu, Spain, more than 900 miles from Magdeburg. The Matthias moved to Camp Impact in May 2010 and have been holding work camps and securing necessary permissions to operate. Believers are helping with physical labor and giving to the camp ministry. The Matthias are also helping a church-planting ministry in the nearby town of Gotha.



Krischa and Brad McKenzie have served the Lord in church planting, music publishing, and camp ministries in Germany since 1992. They were sent to the field by Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Greenville, South Carolina.

Brad and Krischa met at college in 1980. They married in 1985 and have ten children. The McKenzies began a ministry in youth and music before answering the call of the Lord in 1994 to plant a church in Magdeburg (former East Germany) together with Krischa's brother and sister-in-law, Kevin and Carol Matthia. Work in the formerly communist region has proven to be slow. Although the church functioned as a church for 25 years before chartering, it now has an ordained national co-pastor who presently shares with Brad the responsibilities of the church while maintaining a full-time job. Brothers in-law Brad and Kevin have worked in camp ministry, preaching, and ministering in camp music.



Josh and Annie Moore have three children. They live and serve in Carrick-On-Shannon, County Leitrim, Ireland. Josh is the lead pastor of Carrick Baptist Church.


The Americas


Royden & Danielle Saül serve in Haiti planting churches, teaching Bible school and elementary school and participate in youth and child evangelism. They help with the feeding program at the Bethesda Elementary School and the Good Shepherd Clinic in Bassin, Haiti. They have 2 sons, Roysen & Graysen.



Dr. David Shumate served as General Director of Mexican Gospel Mission International for 18 years. In January 2023, he transitioned to serve as Chairman of the MGMI board, the President and Treasurer. The Lord has given him and his wife Linda new responsibilities at International Baptist College and Seminary in Gilbert, Arizona. Dr. Shumate is now the Academic Dean of the college, and Linda serves in the office.



*Last name withheld for privacy.

Scott and Victoria live in Kalamazoo, Michigan. As a member of the Pastoral Enrichment Program (PEP), Scott provides needed biblical and theological instruction to pastors in developing nations who have little or no formal ministry education. He and those on the PEP Team invest in the Lord’s servants around the globe by equipping them to better shepherd and instruct God’s people. Sometimes he has the opportunity to teach in Bible Colleges and Seminaries overseas, enabling those institutions to strengthen their academic quality and credentials. In each of these ways Scott invests in what God is doing around the world by strengthening those who are serving Him in the trenches.

Scott is also the coordinator of the Baptist Mid-Missions School of Church Planting and the Publishing Coordinator for Bibles International’s Scripture Engagement Department. The first seeks to better prepare church planters and pastors to accomplish the biblical mission. The second assists Bibles International in the production of quality materials to accompany their translations.



Ruthie and Don Harris have served the Lord in Argentina since 2005. They were sent to the field by Iglesia Bautista de la Fe, Greenville, South Carolina. They have two children who play piano, usher, as well as help with the children’s Bible Club, and have a love for the ministry.

They have been serving the Lord in Tandil, a town located southeast of Buenos Aires, since 2005. Tandil has a population of approximately 140,000 people yet retains a small town atmosphere with some of its remaining cobblestone streets. A young, growing church has been started in Tandil. There are couples that are excited to serve the Lord, and they are grateful for men that are taking steps towards growing in the Lord and taking on some responsibilities. There is still much to be done and more workers would be very welcome.


Director, GFA Missions

Lisa and Dale served as missionaries in Cameroon before returning to the U.S. in 2000 to work with and assist missionaries on deputation and short term missions.

They joined the GFA home office staff in 2000. Dale is the administrative director over finance and operations. Outside of the office he enjoys serving as music director at Trinity Bible Church in Greer, South Carolina.


Monterey, Mexico

Jean and Tom Zartman were sent to the field by Bible Community Church in Mentor, Ohio. They were married in Pennsylvania and went together to Rocha, Uruguay in 1973. They have four children, two sons born in Uruguay, a daughter, and another son born in Columbia.

Tom started out as a missionary in Spain discipling and learning the language. He then went to Uruguay for five years, working in the distribution of literature, Bible teaching, and evangelistic work. Jean began her missionary service in Iceland and was there until the end of 1972. Together they have planted fruitful churches in Rocha, Uruguay, two churches in Columbia, and following a year long furlough in Mentor, Ohio, headed to Monterey, Mexico in 2004 starting a small house church, a large children’s ministry, and where they continue to sow the Seed while awaiting the Lord’s timing for the harvest.


Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Debbie and Bud Talbert served the Lord through church planting in Canada since 1988. They were sent to the field by Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Greenville, South Carolina.

The Talberts arrived in Calgary, Alberta in 1988 and started Foundation Baptist Church in June of that year where the work had grown to about 100 people and where Bud pastored for 20 years. They then founded the Western Canada Baptist Fellowship where independent pastors have opportunities for fellowship and accountability. Later, recognizing the need for a solid Bible college, Foundation Baptist College in Edmonton, Alberta where Bud is president and teaches exposition and theology courses, was established. The college completed its first full year at the end of April 2010.

Debbie went home to be with the Lord in 2023 after a battle with pancreatic cancer.


Nova Scotia, Canada

Brenda and Ron Ruse serve the Lord in Nova Scotia. They were sent to the field by New Life Baptist Church in Naperville, Illinois, and have been in Canada since 1985.

Ron was raised in the Chicago area, and Brenda is the daughter of missionaries. The Ruse’s have been a part of five churches, have been involved in camp ministry, and are currently planting a church in Truro.


Puerto Rico

Susan and Melvin Purvis serve the Lord in Puerto Rico. Sent by Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Greenville, South Carolina, the Purvises are currently serving in Bayamón, where Melvin is Administrative Dean at Puerto Rico Baptist College. He does not draw a salary.

They served in Chile for more than 20 years and returned to the United States to reach some of the approximately 43 million Hispanics here. They settled in the Ashville, Alabama, area until 2011 when the Lord begin to prepare them for their current ministry where he helps train students from many countries in the Hispanic world. Susan went home to be with the Lord in June of 2023.


Tenek People, Mexico

Fernando is a Tenek native who studied in the US where he met his wife, Christy. They now serve together among the Tenek people in Mexico, where they helped develop a writing system and the first ever Tenek Bible translation.


Hanley, Saskatchewan, Canada

Brad & Chris Young planted Community Baptist Church in Hanley, Saskatchewan, in October 2018. Since then, they have planted another church in Beechy that is now looking for its own pastor. Brad is leading another Bible study with a group of believers in Aylesbury.




Gene and Doris Stockton joined Baptist Mid-Missions in 1961 and served in Venezuela, Puerto Rico, and North America until retiring in 2002. Doris entered heaven in 2022.



Randall & Bonnie Studdard served in Cameroon for 18 years, loving Muslims for the sake of Christ. They were not ready to leave that calling, but the Lord led them to Eurasia to continue working with the people they loved. They worked there for six years. They met so many amazing people and had countless opportunities to share the Truth. They served Bradford, England from 2020-2022. Now they are relocated in Greenville, SC seeking to serve on short-term trips as they can. Read a more detailed bio here.



Marc and Maricile Chery served the Lord through church planting and children's outreach in Laquill, Haiti. They are back in the States now due to Marc's health.

Decatur, Alabama, USA

Linda and Martín Valcarcel transitioned to stateside church planting in 2013 after serving the Lord for many years in Spain. They currently minister to Hispanics in Decatur, Alabama.

The Valcarcels arrived in Barcelona, Spain, in 1974. They immediately began the work of evangelizing those around them and founded Hebron Valley Bible church. Martín also played an important role in starting two other daughter churches in the Barcelona area and a youth camp—Camp Ebenezer.

In 2012, God burdened Martín and Linda to leave their ministry in Spain, to begin a ministry to Hispanics in Decatur, Alabama—where Martín himself had been saved many years earlier as a Spanish-speaking immigrant. In addition to the Hispanic ministry, Martín has a weekly Bible study at a local jail, and Linda leads ladies’ Bible studies. They also maintain active relationships with church members back in Spain, where the work of spreading the Gospel continues under their son’s leadership.




Personal info withheld for privacy & safety.


Karjat, India

Personal info withheld for privacy & safety.

Our missionaries in Karjat, India, help plant churches and teach systematic theology at a local seminary in Mumbai. They also assist with care & outreach ministry to orphans and children from poor families.

Hong Kong

Personal info withheld for privacy & safety.

Our missionaries in Hong Kong established an institute for training local church leadership. They have trained dozens of lay leaders and pastors. There are now nine churches in Hong Kong, Taiwan and China by local men trained at this institute. Their desire is to start more churches and disciple Chinese believers



Personal info withheld for privacy and safety.



Personal info withheld for privacy and safety.


Off the Field & Retired

  • Frank & Sherry DiBagno
  • Pat Garwood
  • Ken & Rhonda Johnson
  • Gary & Edie Jones
  • Randall & Bonnie Studdard
  • Gene & Doris Stockton
  • Martin & Linda Valcarcel