Missions & Evangelism
Sharing God's Word with those who have not heard

Mission & Activities
We take our direction from Christ's Great Commission to make disciples in all nations.
At Grace, we strive to model our outreach efforts after the Lord Jesus' words in in Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8. Just like believers in the first century, we believe it is our responsibility to plant and water the seeds of the Gospel not only locally, but nationally and internationally as well. This balanced approach to missions has been at the core of what we do for decades.
International Missions
We are committed to supporting foreign missions by partnering with over 30 missionaries in more than 20 countries. We maintain close contact with our missionaries to ensure their needs are met both physically and spiritually. Our annual Christmas offering supports additional special projects locally, nationally, and abroad.
National Outreach
We are a church that plants churches and helps other churches plant churches through Arch Ministries. You can learn more about our church-planting ministry and Arch leadership here.
Local Evangelism
Our elders lead the way in praying to see one soul come to know Jesus Christ as Savior through their personal witness each year. Each member seeks to build relationships with our neighbors and friends in order to share the Gospel with those who need the Lord. Events like Grace Bible Day Camp and Mentor CityFest gives us additional opportunities to let our community know we care about their spiritual well-being.
Our Supported Missionaries
(Under Construction)
A directory of the missionaries we support will be coming soon!
Group Leaders
Stay up to date on current happenings!

Frequently Asked Questions
Life Groups
Find fellowship around God’s Word in small groups organized around life stages.
Get In Touch
6883 Reynolds Road, Mentor, OH 44060