Tonight we look at the life of John the Baptist and the role humility plays in his life dedicated to Jesus.


Wisely Analyzing Man's Character.

In Solomon's discussion of living life on purpose, we have studied a bold determination in Ecclesiastes 7:15-18. We now turn to a balanced assessment and some benign reminders.


Luke was a first hand witness to the impact of the gospel across the Roman Empire. We look a the gospel record of the “beloved physician”.


Psalm 6 meditates on a difficult Christian endeavor: responding while under the disciplinary hand of the Lord. This endeavor is the sole property of people who have been transformed by Jesus into the often-uncomfortable condition of being lifelong learners, lovers, and worshipers. The joy of learning often includes the negative experience of shame, stifling our own pride, and enduring the consequences of our sin.


The Gospels present the Lord Jesus as the Christ of Israel, the Savior of the world, and the coming King of Kings. Tonight we begin the gospel written by Luke, a first century physician and associate of the apostle Paul.


Wisely Analyzing Man's Character.

At first reading, Ecclesiastes 7:15-18 seems to advocate being a little bit wicked. But this interpretation would not fit with the rest of Scripture. Instead, Solomon is showing that excessively applying righteousness and piling on wickedness are both dangerous. We should not come to conclusions about a person's character too quickly.


Wealth, Wisdom, and Eternal Purpose.

In our American church context, we are all wealthy compared to the rest of the world. So there is much for us to learn from Solomon's wisdom for wealthy people in this section of Ecclesiastes.


Wealth, Wisdom, and Eternal Purpose.

Many of us may not feel wealthy when we look at our budgets. The Bible says that we should be content with food, clothing, and shelter (1 Timothy 6:8). By that standard, especially compared to the majority of people in our world, we are an affluent group of people. Solomon gives wisdom for wealthy people to maintain our eternal purpose for living.


Tonight we will hear of the wonderful opportunities God opened for the Youth Group and GCM Arch Ministries work team to help churches in Ohio, Canada, and Wyoming.


Wealth, Wisdom, and Eternal Purpose.

We are studying the third section of Ecclesiastes, which instructs us on how to rejoice in hard times. Joy is the reality of the believer who lives in the blessed will of God (Ecclesiastes 8:15). With the proper perspective, believers can enjoy all God's good gifts, but if distracted from eternal purpose, we will doubt the integrity of God and His providence.
