Our Provisions from Jesus.

Jesus tells His disciples to not let their hearts be troubled, for in His Father’s house are many rooms (John 14:1-2). This statement assumes that we are not yet home. Jesus continues, “If anyone loves Me, he will follow My Word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our dwelling with him" (John 14:23). Though we are not now at that place Jesus is preparing for us, He wants us to be confident and assured that we are not left to trouble, distress, fear, and worry because the Godhead has made a home in each of us.



A Faith Consistently Lived and Conscientiously Kept.

In John 14, all the disciples except Judas are in the upper room with Jesus. These men have been following Jesus for three years and have seen His power firsthand, evidencing that He is the Son of God. Jesus has told them that He is going away, and they cannot follow at this time. Understanding their emotions, Jesus tells them repeatedly to let not their hearts be troubled (John 14:1, 27; 16:6).


Keeping Faith and a Good Conscience.

1 and 2 Timothy have seventy-five commands for us to obey with intention and integrity. One of those commands is found in 1 Timothy 1:18-20. The word "faith" in verse 19 is synonymous with the word "command" in verse 18, so "keeping faith" could read "keeping the command."

The word "keeping" means to bear or wear the faith/command, allowing it to become part of our person. The faith is the body of doctrines written and preserved in the Word of God for us to obey.

Each of us is to keep this faith with a good conscience. A person’s conscience is well instructed and at peace when it knows and lives the commands of Scripture. Paul also mentions the conscience in 1 Timothy 1 and 3. Each mention is tied directly to the command of Scripture, the instruction of Scripture, and the mystery of faith pertaining to the Word of God and the gospel message of Jesus Christ.



Being In Christ Jesus.

Outside of the Lord Jesus Christ, there isn’t much for a Christian to boast about. Therefore, there is no greater expression of the Christian life than the words in verse 30: "it is due to Him that you are in Christ Jesus." The phrase "in Christ Jesus" is repeated in the beginning of many of Paul’s letters. The phrase can become commonplace and lose the depth behind these familiar words. However, they underpin the several doctrines of the Christian faith.


The Significance of Christmas for the Believer’s Joy

In the book of Philippians, Paul builds a pathway to joy for the believer. Joy is the product of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus is the source of joy and the provision for the forgiveness of our sins. Other religions teach that you never really know if your sins are forgiven. However, the Bible tells us we can know full assurance of forgiveness. We can know that we are born again. That is the gateway for joy.



Becoming True Worshippers Like the Magi

The use of a Nativity scene as a Christmas reminder of Christ’s birth originated about 800 years ago from Frances of Assisi. As Christmas decoration, this scene sometimes depicts various people and animals. The actual scene revealed in the Bible shows that someone was conspicuously absent: the religious leaders of the Jews, the very ones who should have been seeking and joyous of Christ’s arrival.


Special Gathering of the Whole Church Family for a Christmas Devotional
