One Mission

Our singles ministry exists to further the mission of Grace Church of Mentor by providing spiritual nurturing in small, familiar units. It is our heart to evangelize and equip unmarried young men and women to have lives that reflect God's glory.


  • To provide a time and place where prayer, ideas and plans can be made to reach those neighbors and friends in our community who don't know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
  • To provide a small personalized environment where we can introduce those to our church family who do not know Jesus Christ as their Savior.
  • To offer the opportunity where single men and ladies who know Jesus as their Savior can meet to study the Word of God together in an environment that seeks to make specific and relevant application to this important time in life.
  • To coordinate a network for fellowship, service and care for one another.
  • To emphasize the importance for progressing in faithfulness and service to Jesus our Savior within our local church Grace Church of Mentor.


Bible Study

We believe God's Word, the Bible, to be God's loving message to mankind. We will be held accountable to what God has directed us to do. We must know what God desires of us if we are to please Him. With this in mind, we meet each Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. and Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m. for a time of Bible study, prayer and fellowship. The format is a question and answer study through a specific passage or topic of the Bible. The goal of the study is to produce a good foundation of Bible knowledge with specific application to our personal lives as we seek God's interests and desires in the face of the challenging culture in which we live.

Christian Relationships

God has so wondrously put the church together in a way that requires us to need one another. The biblical goal of this need is that we have the same care for one another (1 Corinthians 12:12-27). The habit of the early church was to spend much time in fellowship (Acts 2:41ff). Hebrews 10:23-25 reminds that this fellowship is critical if we are going to make it spiritually. The College & Career class provides a network for fellowship, service and care for one another. Along with our normal church calendar events, there are monthly fellowship opportunities for this busy group to enjoy.


Have you ever wondered how you could possibly reach that fellow student at college or workmate with the message of the gospel? Come to our College & Career class and let's talk about it. We have set aside time to pray for our friends and neighbors who don't know Jesus as their Savior. In addition there will be helpful training from the Word of God as to how we can go about reaching these dear friends. Plans and events will be discussed that will help us effectively reach our friends for Jesus Christ.

Missions Trips/Conferences

Annual opportunities for young men and ladies to further their love for the Word of God and people are made available through missions experience and conference get-a-ways.