Monthly Theme: Heroes of the Faith
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Missionary Prayer Focus
Donald & Karen Kilmer
Donald and Karen minister to the Zulu people in Embo, South Africa.
Tom & Jean Zartman
Jean and Tom Zartman were sent to the field by Bible Community Church in Mentor, Ohio. They were married in Pennsylvania and went together to Rocha, Uruguay in 1973. They have four children, two sons born in Uruguay, a daughter, and another son born in Columbia.
Tom started out as a missionary in Spain discipling and learning the language. He then went to Uruguay for five years, working in the distribution of literature, Bible teaching, and evangelistic work. Jean began her missionary service in Iceland and was there until the end of 1972. Together they have planted fruitful churches in Rocha, Uruguay, two churches in Columbia, and following a year long furlough in Mentor, Ohio, headed to Monterey, Mexico in 2004 starting a small house church, a large children’s ministry, and where they continue to sow the Seed while awaiting the Lord’s timing for the harvest.
Leadership Training in Hong Kong
Personal info withheld for privacy & safety.
Our missionaries in Hong Kong established an institute for training local church leadership. They have trained dozens of lay leaders and pastors. There are now nine churches in Hong Kong, Taiwan and China by local men trained at this institute. Their desire is to start more churches and disciple Chinese believers