It's day 2, and we're getting to know our way around Mystery Island!

Today at Grace Bible Day Camp Junior, we braved a pool-noodle octopus in game time. We learned how to climb a banana tree and say a tongue twister. We made sailboats in craft time and had delicious snacks to keep up our exploring energy.

In lesson time, the Islanders discovered how God is ALMIGHTY! He is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-present. The three words we use to describe these attributes are omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.

We saw in the Bible how one man, Jonah, didn’t want to obey God and instead tried to run away and hide. God, knowing everything and being everywhere, knew exactly where he went. Through His power, He had a storm come upon Jonah’s boat. The sailors tossed Jonah off and a whale swallowed him. After, he finally obeyed God and did as He said. How amazing that God uses His attributes to allow events in our lives to lead us to salvation and to correct us and redirect our lives to Him! Nothing is too hard for God.

Our treasure memory verse for the day was Jeremiah 32:27: "Behold, I am the LORD. Is anything too hard for me?"

See some pictures from our day below: