Arch Ministries held its sixth annual National Pastors’ Fellowship this January at Community Baptist Church in Bradenton, Florida. Over two hundred church planters, ministry leaders, pastors and their wives attended from nearly all 50 states.

Three days of mutual edification, fellowship, and prayer focused on the theme "Let's Plant Together: The Fruit of Interdependent Ministry." Seven pastors taught related topics in general sessions and workshops, along with plenty of testimonies and a panel discussion on making disciples. Additional sessions for women discussed developing a disciple-making culture in the local church.

The Lord gave much fruit for future ministry progress. Six church planters presented their ministry needs for prayer and support. Pray that these partnerships would continue to grow!

The Fellowship this year kicked off with a men's golf outing and wrapped up with a ladies' tea. These additional activities gave attendees even more time to be refreshed and encouraged.

All of this ran smoothly thanks to the staff of Community Baptist and 27 volunteers who made the trip down from Grace. Altogether, they bought and served over 1,300 meals (not including snacks), answered at least 1000 questions, logged 2200+ miles shuttling pastors to and from the airport and hotel, and helped in countless other ways as needed.

The people of Grace Church allowed 4 pastors and 6 staff members to travel to Florida and supported the fellowship with special funds designated for the encouragement and networking of pastors. We are excited to see how God will continue to bless the fruit of these efforts!

Special thanks to Josiah Greenwood for taking pictures during the event.