Church Family Highlights
- Category: Church Family Highlights
- July 23, 2014
Day 3 started cloudy and eventually rained at the International Spy Academy. But the young recruits and secret agents were not deterred or daunted. We were excited to spend another day together at Grace Bible Day Camp.
Our skit performed by the “GBDC classic players” help set the stage for International City.
But the classic players weren’t the only ones dressed up today. Secret Agents had many disguises: mustaches, spy gear and military uniforms.
In Bible time, we learned that God is eternal, all-knowing and always with us. In Exodus, God calls Himself, I AM, meaning that He is and always will be.
During team meetings we practiced songs and cheers to build team spirit and sportsmanship. With the afternoon came the rain.
Counselor time in smaller groups is more than just getting to know each other, we also get to know Jesus Christ and His gift to us.
(small group time photos)
The recreation staff worked hard in the rain, but flexibility was the word of the day.
The rec staff moved the games indoors, pushed aside the chairs and played balloon stomp.
Memory verse for today was Exodus 3:14, God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM”; and He said, “Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”