Yes, without faith it is impossible to please God – saving faith allows God to be pleased with us.

We walk by faith after salvation (by trusting God’s promises). We are to be a faithful people by obeying His Word. We are people of worship and service to the Lord in the local church.

By faith in 2014 we will together continue to do what we have been doing only in a more organized and efficient and joyful way. No change is taking place at this church except it be to become more like our glorious Savior and conformed to His glorious character and purposes!

By faith and God’s grace we will continually embrace what it means to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and equipping the saints with the goal of Christlikeness.

We will each endeavor to embrace the character and holiness of God both in worship and in daily living. We will, as instructed in Ephesians last year, not be party to even the discussion of the unfruitful works of darkness that so saturate our culture as put forth by the entertainment industry in many ways, not all, both on the screen (tv or digital device) and in the dark music that so pervasively saturates our culture.

BY faith we will endure potential life threatening diagnosis; various difficulties sent our way because we live in a broken world in desperate need of Christ!

By faith, we the church in Mentor will boldly, gladly, comprehensively, and passionately purse the doing of the Marching Orders given to us by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords; we will continually prepare to “go into all the world and preach the gospel; make disciples; baptize new converts and then teach them all things that Christ has commanded us! We will singularly honor God while we pursue ACTS 1:8. We will exponentially increase our prayer efforts for the souls of our area, our region, our nation and our world!!

By faith we will all pursue a joyful, reverent, respectful, and distinct testimony in the way we live so that those who need Christ may clearly recognize a difference in us that they may ask Who makes us different not merely what makes us different.

By faith we will walk away from the dark influences of our culture and as light in this world seek to prepare ourselves to meet our imminently arriving Savior Who is the Pure and Righteous Judge of all the earth!

By faith we seek to love each other more and more. By faith we will say in Christlike humility “I’m sorry” when we have offended a brother or sister in Christ. By faith we will seek to forgive and love more and more those who have offended after reconciliation has taken place in relationships. By faith we will forever seek to maintenance the unity freely given to us by God’s Holy Spirit!!!

By faith we will weep with our church family who weeps. We will rejoice with those among us who rejoice; we will offer to pray at a moments notice with those who hurt; we will testify of God’s goodness to each other and together in worship so that the body may see the Lord personally and effectually working through each and every one of us.

By faith none of us will be merely the recipients of these good things but will be first the ministers of such!

By faith we will serve the Lord individually, and then corporately with joy unto eternal purposes within us and outside of us! By faith we will each hold one another accountable unto this end!

By faith we will remain One Body, Serving One Lord with One Faith, unto One Purpose the glory of God and the salvation and equipping of souls unto Christlikeness.

By faith we will help each other do all the holy will of the Lord!