Grace Bible Day Camp Junior was so much fun! You couldn't fit more smiles in three days if you tried.

Our Bible theme for Thursday was "Jesus Gives Us Love." Our memory verse was 1 John 3:16: "We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us."

We learned that Jesus’ love for us is more powerful than sin and more powerful than death. Jesus was willing to die on the cross to take the punishment for our sins. And when He came back to life, He defeated death! When we believe in Jesus, all of the wrong things we do are forgiven and we can be with Him forever in heaven.

We were thankful for good weather so we could go outside for some crazy cave capers!

On Friday, our theme was "Jesus Gives Us Direction." Our memory verse was Proverbs 3:6: "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."

We learned that the Bible tells us who Jesus is and what He wants for us. Jesus gives us direction and wants us to follow Him.

When Jesus taught, crowds of people gathered around him. One day, he went to a mountainside and taught people how to live in a way that pleases God. We call this the Sermon on the Mount. He wants Christians to be salt and light (to live in a way that shows what He is like and makes the lives of others better), to be the kind of people we ourselves want to be around, and not to worry since He loves and takes care of us.

The children looked forward to each day's puppet show and practicing motions to help them learn Bible verses!

Every day, we did a craft, played more games, and had a yummy snack.

We were only together for 3 days, but we love our counselors!

The week wrapped up with a free picnic for all the Cave Questers and their families. See you next year!