Our expedition to the far reaches of the deepest caverns has begun! Today kicked off Cave Quest at Grace Bible Day Camp. We met our guides and fellow spelunkers for the week and divided into teams: Lava Legends and Magma Monsters.

Our Bible lesson was that Jesus Gives Us Hope! We learned that the people of Israel had a confident expectation that the Messiah would come. After over 300 prophecies, Jesus finally came and fulfilled them all! He gives us hope for eternal life with Him in Heaven.

Our memory verse was Psalm 71:5: "For You are my hope; O Lord God, You are my confidence from my youth."

In morning craft time, we made geodes out of egg shells, water, and Epson salt. In the afternoon, we hiked over to the park for lunch, had some time to talk with our counselors, then went on a massive scavenger hunt!