Teens have much to learn from our church's most mature saints! The Youth Group had two opportunities this spring to spend time with the oldest and wisest group at Grace.

Resurrection Sunday is one of our favorite days of the year. We celebrate the glorious resurrection of our Savior in song, Scripture reading and the preaching of the Word of God. This year's service included the children's choir, congregational song, our adult choir, and a special music piece by CIM students. The morning culminated with a message about what Christ's resurrection means to us. Afterwards, the sun came out in time to enjoy some church family fellowship.

The inaugural Guys at the Range night was a big hit!

Arch Ministries held its second annual National Pastors’ Fellowship early this March. This growing gathering of encouragement was again hosted by Calvary Baptist Church in Winter Garden, Florida.

The Pastors' Cook-off fell on Valentine's Day this year and was appropriately turned into a Bake-off! Which pastor prevailed in baking the best cookie?