Church Family Highlights
Living through His Life: 1 Peter 1
- Category: Church Family Highlights
- March 18, 2015
Please join us for Resurrection Sunday, April 5, as we celebrate the glorious resurrection of our Savior in song, Scripture reading and the preaching of the Word of God. We will look at 1 Peter 1 and "Living through His Life."
Our worship service begins at 10:15 a.m.
Photos: Arch Ministries Work Trip to Tennessee
- Category: Church Family Highlights
- March 18, 2015
Arch Ministries sent Pastor Kent Hobi and a group of men to Spring Hill, Tennessee last week. They assisted Pastor Mike Stalnaker and Community Baptist Church with construction work on a new building. Here are some photos of their work:
Photos: Youth Group Hosts Titus 2 Dinner
- Category: Youth Blog
- March 17, 2015
The Grace Youth Group loves to serve and learn from the folks in our Maturity Matters group. Last Sunday, they cooked and served them dinner, then enjoyed hearing from their stores of wisdom.
Highlight: Maranatha Chamber Singers Concert
- Category: Church Family Highlights
- March 16, 2015
The GCM family enjoyed a concert from the Chamber Singers of Maranatha Baptist University on Wednesday night, March 4. We heard hymn arrangements, a spiritual, and even a song in Swahili.
Highlight: ARCH Pastors’ Fellowship and Work Trip
- Category: Church Family Highlights
- March 4, 2015
Arch Ministries held its first-ever national pastors’ fellowship at Calvary Baptist Church in Winter Garden, Florida, this February. Grace Church of Mentor also sent a work missions team to help the host church during the fellowship.