Church Family Highlights
Work Trip to Wisconsin
- Category: Church Family Highlights
- August 5, 2021
For a week in July, a team of men from Grace Church traveled to Wisconsin to help Holmen Baptist Church remodel their front lobby.
Friday at Mystery Island
- Category: Grace Bible Day Camp 2021
- August 3, 2021
Both teams gave it their all for the last day on Mystery Island!
GBDC Staff Appreciation
- Category: Church Family Highlights
- August 3, 2021
Throughout the years, we've had many faithful and enthusiastic volunteers help with all parts of Grace Bible Day Camp. We wanted to share our heartfelt thanks for them along with some of our favorite pictures of their service this year!
Thursday at Mystery Island
- Category: Grace Bible Day Camp 2021
- July 29, 2021
The weather got a little wet today on Mystery Island, but we never let it dampen our spirits at Grace Bible Day Camp!
Wednesday at Mystery Island
- Category: Grace Bible Day Camp 2021
- July 28, 2021
By the third day of Grace Bible Day Camp, we are really getting to know our way around Mystery Island! We had some great team cheers and very loud (and pretty) singing for points.