Our church family enjoyed 5 special baptisms on Sunday morning.

The Youth Retreat is a weekend of fellowship, food, games, skits and other activities that teens always enjoy! They have a lot of fun, a little sleep, and a deeper look at God’s Word in focused times of preaching and group devotions. This year's retreat was May 3-5 at Peniel Bible Camp in Fredericktown, OH.

We celebrate our Savior's resurrection every Sunday, but we especially love celebrating the life and death of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday each year!

Titus 2:1-8 illustrates the value of intergenerational relationships in the church. Because of this passage, we intentionally prioritize opportunities for the younger to learn from the older. This week, the youth group hosted the Maturity Matters group for food and fellowship.

Part of the mission of Arch Ministries is to assist and uphold pastors and church planters. One way Grace Church does this is by helping with practical, physical needs that can catch up with pastors busy with ministry. Last month, Pastor Kent and a small group of men had an opportunity to do just that.