Our One Legacy teams are rotating updates, so we will hear from one team a month. Below is the Equip team's progress update for the month of June. The Equip team's vision statement: We will lead every saint at Grace Church from spiritual immaturity to maturity in Christ-likeness until Jesus returns.

Attendance Metrics

The Equip team is providing metrics to the elders to help discern our people's growth in the disciplines of Christian living. The first simple measure we are taking is Sunday morning Bible hour attendance. Below is a sample graphic of what will be reported to the elders:

Disciple-Making Pathway

The Disciple-Making Life brochure was handed out during a Sunday morning service recently. This brochure lays out the steps available for every person to be discipled at Grace Church of Mentor, along with information on how to begin each step and what the goal of discipleship is.

Take a closer look at the back panel by clicking on the image below and discuss with your Sunday morning class. This section helps us answer the question, What does a mature Christian look like?

Growing believers are increasingly characterized by these spiritual disciplines. These are evidences of a maturing disciple that will be demonstrated progressively in a believer's life over a period of time, beyond what a person acts or sounds like in one moment. Though we can grow at different rates, we should never stop growing in each of these aspects. Even if you have been in the Lord for decades, if you ever stop demonstrating growth, there is reason for concern.

Please be encouraged as you continue your own disciple-making efforts. These truly make up the heart of our spiritual growth at Grace! Please pray that the Lord would allow this always to continue in our church family culture.

Pastor Kent for the Equip team