Our One Legacy teams are rotating updates, so we will hear from one team a month. Below is the Equip team's progress update for the month of September.

The Equip team's vision statement: We will lead every saint at Grace Church from spiritual immaturity to maturity in Christ-likeness until Jesus returns.

Disciple-Making Pathway

The Disciple-Making Life brochure lays out the steps available for every person to be discipled at Grace Church of Mentor, along with information on how to begin each step and what the goal of discipleship is.

Take a closer look at the inside of the brochure by clicking on the images below and discuss with your Sunday morning class. We can make four simple observations about these steps as a whole

  1. Our growth in discipleship begins at salvation and follows a lifelong process of learning more of the Bible. The goal is to leave a spiritual legacy.
  2. Normal spiritual growth is a progression. It takes a lifetime! Wherever you are on the path right now is good. Locating where you are now, with the help of your discipler's assessment, will help you know how to grow from this point.
  3. These steps are not comprehensive. They represent some opportunities for spiritual growth at Grace identified by the pastors, elders, and Equip team. There are more!
  4. Below each arrow appears helpful guidance on how much time you can aim to spend with your discipler at each level.
Developing a Servant's Heart

The Equip team is working on another pathway to help members develop a heart for service. Every person is encouraged to get involved in some area of service after the membership class. This process will enhance our efforts to connect people to service opportunities and encourage them to grow their servant's heart.

Please be encouraged as you continue your own disciple-making efforts. These truly make up the heart of our spiritual growth at Grace! Please pray that the Lord would allow this always to continue in our church family culture.

Pastor Kent for the Equip team