Our One Legacy teams give rotating monthly updates to keep the congregation informed. Below is the Equip team's progress update for April.

The Equip team's vision statement: We will lead every saint at Grace Church from spiritual immaturity to maturity in Christ-likeness until Jesus returns.

Developing Resources

Praise the Lord that many have already availed themselves of the new Simply Blessed study. This not only is having an influence among our own ladies, but has been well received in our Disciple-Making Seminars in several states.

We continue to make good progress on our Disciple-Making Foundations Book for Kids. Kelley Hixson has finished the Scope and Sequence. (Thank you so much, Kelley, for your work on this.) We are currently attempting to find a designer who will help bring Kelley’s content to life! Here is a sneak peek at this document in its very beginning stages.

KEY TRUTH: God made me.
1. Because God made me, I am accountable to Him.
2. Because God made me, He owns me, but He wants to spend time with me.

NOW WHAT? Explain the importance of starting with the truth that God created all things.
List the 2 truths I should apply because God made me.

DO WHAT: John 1:3, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Colossians 1:16b
ACTIVITY: Look up verses and fill in the attribute of God. Find it in a word search.

KEY TRUTH: I am a sinner.
1. Sin separates me from God and makes me deserving of eternal death.
2. There is nothing I can do to earn heaven.

NOW WHAT: Explain the significance of what it means to be a sinner.
List the 2 truths that are the result of my sin.

DO WHAT: Romans 3:23, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 3:23
ACTIVITY: Complete a chart with columns of physical death and eternal death and verses to help differentiate.

KEY TRUTH: Because of His great love, God sent His perfect Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross as my substitute.
1. To be saved, I must repent of my sins.
2. To be saved, I must trust in Jesus Christ alone.

NOW WHAT: Explain why I needed a substitute.
List the 2 foundational truths of salvation.

DO WHAT: Romans 5:8, Mark 1:15, John 3:16
ACTIVITY: Terminology and matching (repentance, forgiveness, etc.)
BONUS: Hand out "Admit, Believe, Commit" bracelets.

Please continue to be in prayer for us as we make progress on our Leadership Development goal, as well as the task of helping the elders understand the spiritual health of our church family. Many of us have a history in very busy churches. We certainly can identify with Pastor’s statement that in many churches there are very busy people but not many spiritually healthy people. Pray that God never allows that to happen here at Grace. This truly is what makes the Equip team tick!

Pastor Kent for the Equip team