Our One Legacy teams give rotating monthly updates to keep the congregation informed. Below is the Equip team's progress update for October.

The Equip team's vision statement: We will lead every saint at Grace Church from spiritual immaturity to maturity in Christ-likeness until Jesus returns.

Foundations for Kids

The Equip team, with the help of Kelley Hixson and Seth Coelen, is making real progress on our Foundations book for children. Kelley has done a great job arranging the content from our adult books into a more child-friendly format, and Seth has connected us to a graphic design friend who is working on the layout and illustrations. He is doing an amazing job. See for yourself in the preview below!

Developing a Servant's Heart

Last time, the Equip team shared a list of 4 traits of the servant's heart that we want to focus on in our service here at Grace. These are some practical principles to disciple each other through as we seek to become better servants of our Lord and His church.

Behind those traits is a leadership philosophy that was developed by members of the Equip team when we initially went through the One Legacy process. To get a more full picture of why we develop servants like we do, you may download and read the 2-page document.

Feel free to reach out if you have questions about any of the above!

Pastor Kent for the Equip team