Our One Legacy teams give rotating monthly updates to keep the congregation informed. Below is the Glory team's update for the month of July.

The Glory team's vision statement: We will carefully plan to expand and advance our physical assets and oversee souls according to our church mission statement.

Progress toward Our Next Building

As we continue to pray together about our next building, here is an update on the status of our building project. Our plan for funding is to “raise a third, borrow a third, raise a third.” In order to move forward under that plan, we need to have at least $3 million in hand before taking the next step (which would be construction documents for phase 1).

You can rewatch the building animation which presents the vision for 14 acres at Adkins Road. This vision can be built in phases, if necessary.

The current balance of our building fund is $396,709. Please use this information to pray diligently as we continue to make steady progress!

Please pray too for the sale of our current property in God’s good timing. He can send the right buyer at the right time to provide additional funds toward the project. We make our plans and are confident that He will direct!

Please continue to persevere in prayer and sacrificial giving as you have. The eternal investment will be forever worth it!

Pastor Steve on behalf of the Glory Team