Our One Legacy teams will be rotating monthly updates, so we will hear from one team a month. Below is the Glory team's progress update for August.

The Glory team's vision statement: We will carefully plan to expand and advance our physical assets and oversee souls according to our church mission statement.

Congregational Approval

As you know, in June the congregation voted by over 94% to approve the plan to build. This followed many meetings with leaders, presentations to the congregation in Sunday morning and evening services, and 3 weeks for questions and answers.

The image below shows a summary of the plan that was approved. To review the full presentation, view the pdf or watch this video.

summary of funding plan approved June 2017
summary of funding plan approved June 2017

Vote Specifics

  • Approve the current master plan design for a new auditorium, classroom space and additional discipleship space (as shown on gcmlegacy.com)
  • Approve the budget for the build at $5.4M
  • At $800,000* construction documents begin
  • At $1.8M* in hand construction begins
  • Approve loan(s) expenditure totaling up to $3M

*running total of giving toward project. Current balance is $580K.

With this plan approved, our next step is to start construction documents when our balance for One Legacy monies reaches $800,000. (Construction documents will not cost that amount; but that level of funding is a prudent time to start investing in them.)

Where Are We Now?

Our current One Legacy funds are at $580,000 of the $800,000 benchmark. Once we raise $220,000 more, we can begin construction documents.

Finalizing construction documents is a 4-month process, and of course, this is needed before we break ground. Since our goal is to begin construction in the spring of 2018, we need to start construction documents this fall.

Please continue to pray as we all seek to do what we can to accomplish the mission God has for us!

Let me know if you have any questions or want to talk through the Glory goals further!

Pastor Steve