Our One Legacy teams will be rotating monthly updates, so we will hear from one team a month. Below is the Glory team's progress update for November.

The Glory team's vision statement: We will carefully plan to expand and advance our physical assets and oversee souls according to our church mission statement.

This month, we want to let you know all the progress we have made since our planning a few years ago!

Progress in 2017
  • Facilities. We outfitted the College and Career Room as our next overflow room with High Definition Video, digital audio equipment, and a live feed from the auditorium to manage growth as we plan to build. We also secured a Conditional Use Permit from the city for our master plan.
  • We determined what investment level was appropriate in the office duplex. We have just finished work at the duplex to provide more room for offices and volunteer ministries.
  • Funding. In June, we decided on the plan to begin construction documents once we have $800,000 raised. This is a critical step forward to reaching our funding and building goals. In September, we applied again for a church-specific grant that, if awarded, could provide almost 1.2 million dollars to kick start our building project.
Progress in 2015-2016
  • Facilities. We worked with an architect to develop a new master plan that for the immediate use of our current 8 acres, then plans for the use of the 18 total acres identified on "our corner" of Reynolds and Bellflower Road.
  • Communication. We worked with Jackson Marketing Group to help communicate visually and effectively to the community our Biblical mission and goals, resulting in a new church logo and branding.
  • Administration. We hired on additional support staff to assist us in organizing souls for God's glory!
  • Technology. We made some exciting infrastructure changes each year. These infrastructure upgrades are necessary as we work towards future ministry goals.

Knowing that man plans, but God directs (Proverbs 16:9), we are so excited to see what God will do for many years to come through our efforts! Please continue to pray as we all seek to do what we can to accomplish the mission God has for us. Let me know if you have any questions or want to talk through the Glory goals further!

Pastor Steve