Our One Legacy teams will be rotating monthly updates, so we will hear from one team a month. Below is the Reach team's progress update for the month of July.

The Reach team's vision statement: We will effectively and strategically share the Gospel with our Jerusalem (Mentor and Lake County), Judea (Ohio), Samaria (the USA), and the uttermost parts of our world.

Acts 1:8 Communication Plan

Goal 1: To provide a plan whereby the people of Grace Church can be effectively informed of our ongoing local, national, and international evangelistic efforts.

We rolled out the Sunday School communication effectiveness survey through the Reach team members. Our goal was to ask the congregation what they know about Grace Church's communication of outreach activities.

This survey was available throughout the months of May and June. From the results, we found that while digital and print information is most common, the most effective communication comes verbally and personally through face-to-face contact. We’ve also found that there is no one “primary way” that our people receive info about our church's outreach efforts, but usually it is a combination of several different means.

Where do we go from here?

  • Maximize face-to-face time (One Legacy updates are just an example of this!) through ongoing announcements from the pulpit, Bible Hour classes, Adult and Children’s Bible studies, and discipling relationships.
  • Use face-to-face time to promote a greater awareness and familiarity with the church website and GCMonline. Many in our church are unaware of how to access these tools (especially GCMonline), and they need to be aware of the wealth of information about our outreach efforts provided by these tools.
Personal Evangelism Training

Goal 2: To provide Grace Church with a resource of creative ways whereby members can continue to obey the Great Commission and to equip them to do the work of evangelism.

We are still finalizing this document with the goal of providing simple and realistic evangelistic ideas for members of Grace, and to see our congregation grow and diversify in their personal evangelism efforts by implementing any idea that may apply to their life situation.

Our desire is to make this document available to the congregation by September 2017.

Spiritual Reproduction

Goal 3: To see spiritual new birth grow by 20% of our current membership numbers. As it now stands, that goal is to see 80 souls saved.

As of June 30, we currently have 17 professions of faith on record for 2017 (7 of which were in the month of April!).

This last week began our children's summer outreach efforts through GBDC Jr. and Grace Soccer Camp. Almost 150 souls were registered for these camps and exposed to Gospel teaching. Of those 150 souls, more than 70% were non-Grace Church of Mentor children. Praise the Lord!

Please contact Pastor Mike Hixson with any questions.