Our One Legacy teams are rotating monthly updates. Below is the Reach team's progress update for February.

The Reach team's vision statement: We will effectively and strategically share the Gospel with our Jerusalem (Mentor and Lake County), Judea (Ohio), Samaria (the USA), and the uttermost parts of our world.

Here are our Reach Team goals for 2018.

Goal #1 - Every member of Grace Church to grow in prayer for:
  • Their own role in disciple-making (Matthew 28:19);
  • For all age groups of GCM to participate in disciple-making (Luke 10:2); and
  • For us to see God grant spiritual new birth to the GCM family in light of our obedience (1 Corinthians 3:6).

We have placed much emphasis on the activity of building relationships, sharing the Gospel, etc. And we know the necessary role of prayer behind our outreach efforts.

God must do the work in the hearts of believers to want to share the Gospel, as well as the work in the unbeliever to receive the Gospel.

We will utilize the bookmark developed in 2017 as a prayer tool to help people pray. See image below! If you don't have one yet, you can pick up a bookmark on the bookshelf or counter in the Fellowship Hall.

How will we see this goal realized?

  • Devoting more time to corporate prayer
  • Starting a ladies' pre-service prayer time similar to the men’s prayer time
  • Providing testimony opportunities in meetings, Sunday School, and Bible studies to show how people prayed for one of these three aspects of the goal and then how God answered that prayer in a specific way
  • Instructing and encouraging disciplers to spend more time in outreach-focused prayer with those they are discipling
Goal #2: Assist ARCH Ministries staff with regularly updating the current membership roster, membership screening, and other infrastructure needs.

ARCH Ministries, a ministry of Grace Church of Mentor, has grown exponentially in membership within the last several years. Many volunteers have helped in many facets of ARCH, and currently there is a need to help connect volunteers and with ARCH staff.

By the end of 2018, the Reach team would like to assist with a greater delegation of ARCH-related responsibilities by Pastor Tim to the Reach team members and to other Grace volunteers. Our desire is to be better informed as assistants and to continue assisting Pastor Tim beyond 2018, with the ultimate goal of seeing ARCH Ministries perpetuate and grow beyond the lives of those currently ministering in ARCH.

Please contact Pastor Mike Hixson with any questions.