Our One Legacy teams are rotating monthly updates. Below is the Reach team's progress update for May.

The Reach team's vision statement: We will effectively and strategically share the Gospel with our Jerusalem (Mentor and Lake County), Judea (Ohio), Samaria (the USA), and the uttermost parts of our world.

Here are our Reach Team goals for 2018.

Goal #1 - Every member of Grace Church to grow in prayer for:
  • Their own role in disciple-making (Matthew 28:19);
  • For all age groups of GCM to participate in disciple-making (Luke 10:2); and
  • For us to see God grant spiritual new birth to the GCM family in light of our obedience (1 Corinthians 3:6).

As of April 2018, we have distributed the Evangelism bookmark to all of the Sunday School classes and to the congregation at large. This prayer tool is designed to assist each one of us to be praying for one another and our personal outreach.

How has God used you or someone you’ve been praying for to build relationships with the lost? Share that with your Sunday morning Bible study!

At the end of this update, please spend time in prayer for the three areas of outreach mentioned above.

Goal #2: Assist ARCH Ministries staff with regularly updating the current membership roster, membership screening, and other infrastructure needs.

Pastor Mike and the Reach Team have provided guidance and assistance to ARCH Ministries by formulating a “Like-Mindedness” document. This one-page document provides a succinct summary of the ARCH network distinctives and the basis of our churches networking together.

In addition, Pastor Mike and Reach Team have worked together with Jude Leary to provide an ARCH State Leader ministry document. As you may remember, our goal is to see every state in the U.S. have a like-minded Gospel-teaching church that we can network with. Reaching that goal requires us to have men in each state – pastors who know their state well – to network with the churches in their state and identify areas in their state where these churches are lacking. The ARCH State Leader document provides a “play-by-play” description of this networking process.

Please contact Pastor Mike Hixson with any questions.