One Another Sunday
The fourth Sunday of the month is One Another Sunday. (That's this week!) We will have no evening service and encourage you to spend time building relationships among our church family. Do you have plans yet?
Thanksgiving Praise Service
Next Wednesday, November 27 (the day before Thanksgiving), we will give thanks and praise to God as a church family. All Bible study groups, teens, and school-age children will join the Thanksgiving Praise Service in the auditorium at 7 p.m. Childcare will be available up to age 5.
Christmas Invitations
Our Christmas program is only a few weeks away, and we have several more Christmas services next month! Find all dates and details on our website at GCM.LI/Christmas. You can also find cards in the Fellowship Hall to invite people to any of our special services in December. Mark your calendar to celebrate the birth of our Savior together!
Kids4Truth Verses
View public calendar here. For mobile updates, download our church app.