Our campers are making friends and really getting into the Jungle Journey cruise activities at Grace Bible Day Camp Junior! See a few pictures below from our third day.

Our memory verse today was John 1:12, "He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe."

MAKE FAST! On day 3 of our cruise, we learned that Jesus is the Savior of all who believe! He came to earth to live and to die in our place. He took all the sins that we have done and will do and placed them on Himself, taking the punishment of God in our place. How amazing that God would see Jesus’ death as payment for the wrong things we have done against God! Anyone who calls upon Jesus’ name to forgive their sins and save them will be saved. If you are saved, you will become a child of God and have eternal life with Him! On our last day of the cruise, we will talk about God making all things new again in the future.

Don't forget! Tomorrow is our free picnic for all campers and their families! Join us in the assembly room upstairs at 11:30 for our closing assembly. Kids will show their parents all the verses and songs they learned this week, then at noon we will start our picnic. Hope you can join us!