We cried happy tears as we finished up our Jungle Journey cruise today at Grace Bible Day Camp.

FULL SPEED AHEAD! On our final day of the cruise, we talked about the future of the children of God. Eternal life is not something of the imagination. When you die knowing Jesus as your Savior, you are forever with Him. He take away every tear from your eye. He will make all things new and everything perfectly good again, like it was in the garden of Eden. He will be with His people forever. There will never be any more pain, sin, or grief. This is the final state for those who know Jesus! We look forward to that day, but until then, we go full speed ahead to live for our Savior and tell others about Him.

Our last memory verse was Revelation 21:4, "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away."

We weren't quite ready to end our Jungle Cruise, so we extended the day and cruised over to a park for the afternoon, where we enjoyed an extended game time, including a slip-and-slide! Then we cruised back to the church and welcomed our parents and siblings to our final closing assembly. It was time for the big reveal: the winning team with the most points for the week was: THE RIVER RIDERS! Our campers showed their families all the verses and songs they learned this week, then we all enjoyed a picnic together.

We loved meeting all of our cruisers and their families this week. Hope you can join us again next year!