We have a great group of preschoolers and kindergartners this year for Grace Bible Day Camp Junior! See a few pictures below from the first day!

The children are having a lot of fun learning about spelunking and God's wonderful creation of caves. Even more important, they are learning about Jesus. Wednesday's theme was Jesus Gives Us Hope, and our memory verse was Psalm 71:5: "For You are my hope; O Lord God, You are my confidence."

The Bible lesson taught us more about hope. In the Scriptures, God had said he would send a Messiah, a Savior—someone to help and save his people. And the people had been waiting and waiting. They couldn’t get close to God because of their sins, so the religious leaders had all kinds of laws for the people to follow to try to make up for their sins. No matter how many laws God’s people tried to follow, they still couldn’t understand God or get close to him. They were living in spiritual darkness. To make matters worse, they were living under a Roman government who made life very difficult for them. They hoped the Messiah would come, and He did. Jesus came into the world.

Jesus is the light of the world. He gives us hope, now and forever. He came so we could understand God’s love for us.