- July 21, 2014
The International Spy Academy’s doors were open, and GBDC welcomed young “agents” to search out truth from God’s Word.
In crafts, they built decoders and used their new tech to decode messages.
In snack, we ate the international favorite food: chocolate chip cookies.
In Bible time, we learned an agent of truth must discern between a decoy and the real deal.
There are many false views of God. God gives us the Bible so we can discover how to know Him apart from counterfeit gods. As an example, we considered Elijah and the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18:20-39.
In game time, we competed in agility through a bounce house and speed in sack races. Strong agents were able to complete the course with speed, agility and endurance… in the hot sun.
During team meetings we learned songs and cheers to build team spirit and sportsmanship.
(team meeting photos; Mr Hart under tree, Luke Hobi teaching in tent)
And finally, we enjoyed counselor time in smaller groups to discuss the lesson and hear from our “secret agents” (counselors) how God’s grace has worked in their lives and allowed Jesus Christ to be their Savior.
The day finished out with more athletic pursuits to keep the agents agile, alert and competitive.
Memory verse for today was Isaiah 45:5, “I am the Lord, and there is no other; besides Me there is no God. I will gird you, though you have not known Me.”