10:15 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Sunday, December 7
Childcare is provided.

Join us as we celebrate Christ through familiar Christmas carols and a one act play written by Thronton Wilder, The Long Christmas Dinner. Time passes by in the Bayard home and is memorably marked by the family's Christmas dinners. The drama provides a more serious lesson of the brevity of life lightened with humor and family quirks.

Light refreshments are provided after the evening service.

Annual Regional Thanksgiving Service

6 p.m., Sunday, November 23

Join us for combined worship as we celebrate God's goodness with sister churches. We will sing, give testimony, pray, hear the Word and Fellowship together.


Childcare is provided infants through 2nd grade.

Each year the Grace Church Military Ministry holds a special event to honor veterans and active service men and women in our community.

Check out some photos from this year's luncheon.