• Simon - Noah is coming to the youth retreat
  • Mari - Jack
  • Maggie - Anthony, Lia, Gracyn, Riley; Opportunity with stepdad
  • Carissa - Dad has a surgery coming up
  • Eleanor - Grandparents' salvation
  • Jessica S - Jon

  • Barb and Tony D'Abate
  • Pray for gospel opportunities during Easter
  • Izzy - Connor

Prayer Requests from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

  • The kids coming to kids camp and the families coming for the church camp portion
    • Tender hearts open to the Word
  • Opportunities in the community with starting Community Baptist Church
  • Church people that are reaching out to co-workers and neighbors
    • We have had several start coming to church
  • We need housing in Hanley for May 1st
    • Still looking but the Lord hasn't provided anything yet
  • Spiritual growth for Community Baptist Church
    • We have a Ladies Bible study started
    • Working on getting a Men's group started
    • A discipleship environment to take hold in the church

Prayer requests from the Michalek Family:

  • Pray for the salvation of Tyler, Alanis, and Kriz, children who have been attending Sunday School regularly. Also, pray that their parents will hear the gospel and be saved.
  • Pray that God will provide a piano player for our church.
  • Pray that the Christian school where our boys attend will find a school administrator.
  • Pray for Christin as she has had back pain for several years. It's gotten to the point that after a long day she can't stand or sit and must lie down in the evening. She's gone to several doctors and we're considering options.


  • We have had several children faithfully ride our church van to Sunday School since our VBS outreach in the summer of 2018.
  • In the past, some church members have been unwilling to help with teaching our young people. Recently a lady who was previously unwilling has agreed to take a turn. Also, another lady in the church has agreed to begin leading the ladies’ Bible study. This is an encouraging step as our people begin to serve and lead within the church. (It also takes pressure off of Christin who was doing the majority of the teaching.)
  • We have a disabled church member who can only occasionally attend church. Another lady in the church has started to meet and disciple her at home.
  • God continues to show his sovereignty and grace in supplying our needs.