Man Plans. God Directs. Proverbs 16:9

Building Program VideoOne Legacy DocumentaryOur Biblical Virtues



October 2019 Update

Our One Legacy teams give rotating monthly updates to keep the congregation informed. Below is the Glory team's update for the month of October.


November 2019 Update

Our One Legacy teams give rotating monthly updates. Our update for this month is from the Reach team!


August 2019 Update

Our One Legacy teams give rotating monthly updates to keep the congregation informed. Below is the Equip team's update for August.

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August 2020 Building Program Update

One Legacy Building Program

Adkins Road

Reaching our world for Jesus Christ starts right here in Mentor. Our One Legacy building program provides a plan for increased worship capacity, more classrooms, and more space for discipleship and fellowship.

One Legacy Documentary

Watch the story of God working through the faithful and our one legacy through grace.

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Our Vision through 2030


We will carefully plan to expand and advance our physical assets and oversee souls according to our church mission statement.

These descriptions are generalizations of many initatives. Dollar amounts are estimates.

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2015 Develop GCM master plan and community image;
encourage resource development.
2017 Purchase 1 lot; build new auditorium and parking expansion. $3.6M
2020 Purchase 2 lots; re-purpose auditorium;
staff training/media consulting; video equipment.
2025 Purchase 2 lots; expansion of auditorium;
additional education space; media consulting.
2030 Purchase 3 lots; staff training; social media consulting;
multipurpose space/parking.


We will effectively and strategically share the Gospel with our Jerusalem (Mentor and Lake County), Judea (Ohio), Samaria (the U.S.A.), and the uttermost parts of our world.

These descriptions are generalizations of many initatives. Dollar amounts are estimates.

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2015 Increase community presence; develop community among Arch churches; enhance missions communication to Grace Church family. $7K
2017 Redesign outreach materials; greater presence on local college campuses; gospel presence in 24 time zones. $13K
2020 Begin more outreaches in public venues; implement Release Time Education; translate discipleship materials. $19.5K
2025 Development of English as second language program;
observe other ministries to learn how they do missions.
2030 Complete ARCH network; develop special needs, foster child and foreign exchange student ministries. $4K


We will lead every saint at GCM from Spiritual immaturity to maturity in Christlikeness until Jesus returns.

These descriptions are generalizations of many initatives. Dollar amounts are estimates.

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2015 Develop our whole-life discipleship pathway
and materials for the entire church family.
2017 Mobilize disciples to serve; enhance our Titus 2 influence. $2.5K
2020 Develop our whole-life leadership pathway
for the future of GCM.
2025 Refine and catalog all GCM-generated resources for discipleship. $5K
2030 Expand access of media resources to church plants and ARCH network; evaluate whole-life discipleship and leadership development. $2K

Biblical Virtues of Grace Church of Mentor

Glory of God

is the aim of Grace Church of Mentor. As His governing attribute, God’s holiness will be the governing benchmark in choices of ministry philosophy including associations, worship styles, ministry excellence and individual growth in Christ-likeness.


is the heart of Grace Church of Mentor. We will perpetuate an intentional environment of making disciples of Jesus Christ with accountability on the basis of loving relationships.


is the work of Grace Church of Mentor. We will measure each opportunity for engagement with our community by its evangelistic potential. Both corporate and individual evangelistic effort will be balanced by a reliance on God’s work in salvation and a sense of urgency knowing that “today is the day of salvation.” We will entreat people to be saved rather than brow-beating.


is the expectation of Grace Church of Mentor. We will insist that God’s Word, the objective source of truth, is the only true foundation for the kind of unity that God desires. Our church family and fellowship at GCM will be in direct proportion to the amount of truth each member accumulates and applies.


is the resource of Grace Church of Mentor. We will incorporate prayer as the cornerstone expression of our complete dependence on the Lord to do the work of the ministry. It is in prayer that we will have our heart and mind adjusted to the Lord’s will.


is the goal of Grace Church of Mentor. We will ensure that the end of every ministry endeavor is a greater love for God and a love for neighbor, in order to fulfill the royal law of the King to “love your neighbor as yourself” (James 2:8).


Past Sunday Morning Worship sermons from 2007-2013 are available here.