Online registration for Grace Bible Day Camp has closed, but don’t worry! Walk-up registration is still available any morning of the week.

Preschool & Kindergarten

July 5–8

9 a.m. – Noon

1st – 6th Grades

July 18–22

9 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.

Wonders await us just beneath the surface! Earn your sea legs as you make waves with other Grace Bible Day Campers. Explore the depths as we discover amazing things about God's vast creation and learn from His Word.

Daily Schedule | FAQ

Undersea Activities

  • Deep Divin' Games
  • Seaside Skits
  • Crazy Crustacean Crafts (you can take home)
  • Scuba Snacks
  • Important Lessons from God’s Word
  • Afternoon Excursions to Nearby Parks (1st–6th grade)
  • A Caring, Fun-Loving Day Camp Staff

What more could you ask for? Perhaps a cookout? We do that, too!


Preschool & Kindergarten, July 5–8

Tuesday–Friday, 9:00am—noon

Friday Afternoon Cookout: Stick around on Friday afternoon for a fun closing program and awards ceremony, followed by a free cookout for campers and their families.

1st – 6th Grades, July 18–22

Monday–Friday, 9:00am—3:15pm

Friday Evening Cookout: Camp continues until 5:00pm. There will be a fun closing program & awards ceremony, followed by a free cookout for campers and their families.

Click here for the Daily Schedule

Contact Us

Call: 440.255.7045