
  • 2 Corinthians 3:17-18

    Our Freedom to Be Bold in Spiritual Growth.

    2 Corinthians 3:17-18 teach us about the power, boldness, and freedom we have in Christ to grow in Christ-likeness.

  • 2 Corinthians 3:12-16

    Our Freedom to Be Bold in Christ.

    Among a remnant in Corinth, a disrespect for Paul was growing because of religious people who taught that one needed to do religious works to be saved. As a result, the Corinthians distrusted Paul and his behavior and plans for ministry.

    There have always been religious intruders in the church who seek to dethrone the sufficiency of Jesus. Beware of anyone who undermines the sufficiency of Christ in salvation and spiritual growth or who undermines a messenger of Christ’s sufficiency.

  • 2 Corinthians 2:12-13

    Ministry Progress in the Light of Difficulty.

    God always and in every place enables us to carry on effective ministry despite difficulties.

  • 2 Timothy 3:14-17

    How to Have a Word-Saturated Home, Part 2.

    Growing deeper in understanding our faith naturally leads to living it out in a meaningful way.

  • Ecclesiastes 7:3-10

    Wealth, Wisdom, and Eternal Purpose.

    Many of us may not feel wealthy when we look at our budgets. The Bible says that we should be content with food, clothing, and shelter (1 Timothy 6:8). By that standard, especially compared to the majority of people in our world, we are an affluent group of people. Solomon gives wisdom for wealthy people to maintain our eternal purpose for living.

  • 2 Timothy 1, Part 2

    Purposeful Hands and Feet of Effective Ministry.

    Last week, we learned 4 spiritual anchors that children need from their moms, and spiritual progeny need from their mentors, after salvation. This week, we will see what those 4 principles look like in developing effective servants of the local church.

  • 2 Timothy 1:3-14

    A Godly Mother's Ultimate Joy.

    The investment of a mother or grandmother has far-reaching spiritual results. Though this message is oriented towards Mother's Day, every believer can learn from godly ladies. The best gift a mother can give is an introduction to the Savior, Jesus Christ. This fills the primary need of any child. 2 Timothy 1:3-14 shows four spiritual anchors that children need from their moms after salvation. The quality of our children's future depends on our understanding of these principles (whether biological children, adopted, or spiritual).

  • Palm Sunday: John 12

    Jesus' unique identity creates the paradox that is Palm Sunday.

    The church today does not and cannot celebrate Palm Sunday in the same way the original participants did. When the crowds cried, "Hosanna, save now," they were crying out for immediate deliverance from the Romans. The church celebrates Jesus' unique identity which was magnified that day. Palm Sunday gave a window into the hearts of those around Jesus as they responded to who He was.

  • Philippians 3:17

    Authentic Community.

    Observe any living thing, and you will see that God designs His creatures to partner with others. They are not created to exist alone. Birds are always in a flock. Marriage was instituted because "it is not good for man to be alone" (Genesis 2:18). A singer's performance is greatly enhanced by a good accompanist. Those in the trades or any career seek to replicate themselves in an apprentice. Living things do not function well alone.

  • 1 Thessalonians 5

    The Natural Fruit of Expectant Believers.

    Looking for Jesus Christ's return motivates us to live in a proper manner. Faithful living is personal and characterized by a loving disposition and moral behavior. God is faithful to enable you to grow on your own, but He also wants you to be helped by others in a local church family. This interdependence will have a supernatural influence inside and outside the church.

  • 1 Thessalonians 5:14

    Expectant Believers are the Best Learners, Lovers, and Worshipers.

    We long to see people we love. Christians love Jesus Christ because of all He has done for us, and we can't wait to see Him. Our anticipation of Christ motivates us to live in a way that pleases Him.

  • 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12

    Anticipating Christ Compels Our Personal and Public Relationships.

    Transparent spiritual relationships in the local church take hard work, but they are worth it. These relationships are more meaningful than checking off the number of times you attend church services. Christians cannot live the Christian life without each other.

  • Titus 2 and 1 Thessalonians 1-3

    Looking Governs Living.

    Our theme for 2019 will be "Looking and Living." The expectation of seeing our Lord Jesus Christ is always attached to our living (Titus 2:11-15).

  • 1 Thessalonians 1-2

    The Organic and Practical Lifestyle of the Expectant Believer.

    1 Thessalonians speaks often of the New Testament believer's hope of seeing Jesus. We eagerly await Christ's return. This anticipation only grows as we get older.

  • Romans 16:25-27

    The Song of Gospel Praise, Part 2.

    Romans 16:25-27 may not be a song, but these are glorious words spoken about God. They encapsulate our focus as we end our study of this book. While we live out the Gospel, our singular goal is to bring glory to God.

  • Romans 12:14-16

    Love's Final Intentions.

    We have been studying the love Christians should have within the body of Christ (Romans 12:9-16). The pointed commands beginning in verse 13 seem random, but they do flow from what Paul wrote in the verses just before. Love that is holy, relational, passionate in serving and persevering, will be aware in these ways.

  • Romans 12:13

    The Character of Christian Community, Part 3.

    The latter half of Romans 12 instructs Christians on the kind of love we should display. Our love is holy, relational, passionate, and aware. A series of direct imperatives begins in Romans 12:13. Love is intentional about its surroundings.

  • Romans 12:10-12

    The Character of Christian Community, Part 2.

    We are studying the third section of Romans 12. When people are transformed by grace (Romans 12:1-2) and functioning well in the body of Christ (Romans 12:3-8), we are able to love each other as God intends.

  • Philippians 3:12-16

    God’s Mercy for the New Year. A Look Forward: Celebrating the Church.

    Knowing our history and considering the future both bring us closer to each other and the Lord.

  • Romans 7:14-25

    Saved by Grace – Grown By Grace.

    We cannot be saved by grace and grown by the law. Trying to grow ourselves or others by the law is setting up any external standard of holiness by which to measure one's spiritual growth. Whether the standard is given by God or man, it can never produce spiritual growth.