
  • John 19:28-30

    “It is Finished” – What Jesus Christ Achieves in His Death

    From the outside looking in, Christianity can seem like a weird and even morbid religion. We are fixated on the death of a person who lived thousands of years ago and talk about it in a positive way. In fact, Jesus' death is the worst thing that ever happened and the best thing that has ever happened.

    The reason it’s such a big deal can be summed up by what Jesus himself said just before He died (John 19:30): “It is finished.” In the original Greek, this phrase is just one word. Today, that’s all we’re going to look at, what Jesus meant when He said this.

  • Romans 12:17-21

    Love's Commission.

    Love that has its foundation in divine transformation shows compassion within the body of Christ and has great influence in the surrounding community.

  • Romans 3:22-24

    The Righteousness of God Revealed, Part 2.

    Knowing intellectual data about Jesus is not enough to save a person. Nicodemus was a learned Jewish teacher, but he still did not possess saving faith until he knew what it meant to be born again (John 3:1-21). The longest 18 inches is the distance from the head to the heart, from knowing about Jesus to placing our full faith in and submitting to Christ.