spiritual progress

  • 2 Corinthians 10:12-18

    The Purpose of Your Existence.

    Paul continues to call the Corinthian believers alongside himself to participate in protecting the church. Every believer has a role to build up and protect the church, not destroy.

  • Psalm 12

    God, A Helper Against the Treacherous.

    In whatever change we seek, God seeks to change us.

  • Mother's Day: Mary, the Mother of Jesus

    Mothers Who Prepare Their Children to Be Spiritual Leaders.

    From preachers to presidents, good leaders have often praised the value of virtuous mothers. We celebrate motherhood this week because the Bible also honors women. Jewish genealogies did not include women, yet Jesus' mother is mentioned by name in Matthew 1:16. The Bible mentions Mary because she displays several virtues that should characterize all Christians. What can we learn from her godly example?

  • Genesis 48

    The Virtues and Value of Spiritual Legacy.

  • Genesis 35

    God provides generational protection when we offer our full obedience.

    Psalm 63 describes a saint who needs refreshment. Jacob receives spiritual refreshment from the Lord in Genesis 35 as he gets right with God and continues to make progress.