
  • John 5:16-30

    Satisfied: Is Seeing Really Believing?

    In today's world, with computer-generated images and photo editing applications, seeing is no longer believing. But in Jesus’ day there was no photoshopping. When we look back into the Old Testament, the children of Israel literally saw God take them out of Egypt through the use of 10 plagues, then they saw the parting of the Red Sea. They saw, witnessed, and participated in these events, and yet, there was unbelief. As we read the Gospel of John, remember that John was an eye-witness of what we are reading. The Jews also saw Jesus’ miraculous works, yet they didn’t believe it.

  • 2 Corinthians 1:5-6

    Our Advocate When Comfort Is Needed.

    We can receive comfort from others in dark times. This is one of God's good gifts to us. But there is only one place to find soul rest. Jesus is the exclusive source of ultimate comfort.

  • Ecclesiastes 6:10-12

    Wisdom’s Direction for the Questioning, Hurting Heart.

    Life is a gift from God to be lived on purpose with joy. Our joy must be connected to living according to God’s Word (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14).

  • Ecclesiastes 2:12-26

    The Only Life Purpose that Truly Satisfies

  • Ecclesiastes 2:1-9

    The Pitfalls of Finding Satisfaction in Just Having Fun.

    Finish this statement for yourself: "I would be happy if I had _________."

    We know already from our study of this book that nothing created can satisfy the immaterial part of us, our souls, because we live in a fallen world. The Lord wants us to pursue knowledge of all kinds, although knowledge alone will not leave us ultimately fulfilled.