
  • Update & Message from Tom Boehm

    One of our supported missionaries, Tom Boehm, updated us on the ministry in Italy and shared a message from Genesis 6.

  • Selected New Testament Passages

    The Progress of the Church and our Personal Responsibility.

    Why does the church do what it does? Why do we gather? Why don't we do certain things? We must answer not in terms of resources or building but instead of the mission. We will look at the progress of the church and see the direct connection we have today with the first church commissioned by Jesus Christ.

  • John 20:11-23

    Lessons from the Resurrection Appearances, Part 2: The Resurrection Transforms Grief to Purpose.

    Little is known about Mary Magdalene whose name bears her origin, a town on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. John depicts Mary as a woman of strength, faith, and unwavering devotion.

  • John 17:13-19

    The Joy of Following Jesus

    John 17 contains Jesus’s longest prayer, known as the high priestly prayer, which He prays after the upper room discourse, after telling the disciples to not let their hearts be troubled because He is going away and they cannot come.

    Jesus prays this prayer with the agony of the cross before Him. We are reminded by Jesus that no matter the fearful circumstance, we can always turn to the Father in prayer.

  • John 17:6-12

    How Jesus Describes A True Disciple

    John 17 contains Jesus’s longest prayer, known as the high priestly prayer, which He prays after the upper room discourse, after telling the disciples to not let their hearts be troubled because He is going away and they cannot come. Jesus prays this prayer with the agony of the cross before Him.

  • Philippians 2:1-4

    Maintaining Relationships for Gospel Advancement

    In Philippians 2:1-4, Paul discusses the necessity of maintaining relationships in Christ so a robust gospel effort can be achieved by the local church. This gospel effort is first individual, disciples of Christ making disciples.

  • John 8:31-59, Part 3

    What Are Genuine Disciples?

    Paul talks a lot about the sons of faith and being the spiritual father of some. What he is describing is the discipleship relationship. The analogy of sonship is common in the New Testament. A son is one who is in Christ and is adopted into the family of God.

  • John 5

    Merciful Jesus

    John 5 demonstrates the attribute of God’s mercy in Jesus Christ. Jesus remains merciful to all those in unbelief, offering His hand of spiritual help as long as each person lives. We also see the enemies of the gospel in this passage, who they are, what they say, and how they act. Religious people who remain in unbelief are reminded by Moses in Exodus 34:6-7 and Deuteronomy 7:9-10 that the Lord God is both compassionate and just, extending lovingkindness to all and punishment to the guilty who reject Him. We learn from David that God will show Himself merciful to the merciful (2 Sam. 22:26), and all the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth to those who keep His commandments (Psalm 25:10). Paul teaches us more about the rich mercy of God in Ephesians 2:4-5. We are made alive by Christ because of the great love by which God loved us even when dead in our transgressions.

  • John 4:46-54

    Obedience with Divine Purpose

    Jesus modeled for us perfectly how to trust and obey the Father with divine purpose. Philippians 2 explains how Jesus was obedient even unto death on the cross. Even the beginning of His public obedience had as its aim His duty on the cross of Calvary. This model of obedience unto gospel purpose is for each believer to follow from the moment of conversion until the point of heavenly transformation.

  • John 3:22-36

    The theme of John's gospel is that his readers would believe. The perspective of time and age lends wisdom to his writing as he conveys what's most important of his recollection of Jesus' ministry.

  • John 3, Part 2

    The Mission of God’s Love

    Written to people who need to know Christ, the gospel of John is clear about God’s initiating love towards each of us. John desires for us to understand God’s amazing love so we would surrender our hearts to Him as Lord and Savior.

  • 2 Corinthians 10:12-18

    The Purpose of Your Existence.

    Paul continues to call the Corinthian believers alongside himself to participate in protecting the church. Every believer has a role to build up and protect the church, not destroy.

  • 2 Corinthians 9:1-5

    God never intends excess resources to be hoarded, but distributed for the Gospel's sake in a trustworthy manner.

    This passage in Corinthians discusses what Christians do with the normal excess that the Lord provides.

  • 2 Corinthians 8:16-24

    The Integrity and Character of Sharing Resources for Gospel Purposes.

    The primary application of this chapter is not an individual giving to their local church, but local churches helping one another meet needs for Gospel purposes.

  • 2 Corinthians 8:3

    10 Lessons About Sharing Through Giving for Gospel Purposes.

    It is easy to forget that the Church exists for Christ and His mission. Jesus said, "Freely you received, freely give" (Matthew 10:8). The nature of grace is free and generous, and so should be its influence in our lives.

  • 2 Corinthians 7:12-16

    Three Virtues of Christian Relationships.

    As Paul rejoices in his restored relationship with the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 7:12-16, we can see three more virtues that are present in Christian relationships.

  • 2 Corinthians 5:19-21

    Healthy Churches Encouraged by Eternal Promises Are Lighthouses for Gospel Mission.

    This will be true until Christ comes. This purpose is reflected in our church's mission statement: "Grace Church of Mentor exists to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and equipping the saints with the goal of Christ-likeness." Every Bible-believing church has been given this Gospel mission. Our Savior intends us to live His life, and His disciples demonstrated this. Both men and women tremendously affected Gospel progress in their areas in the New Testament.

  • World Missions Sunday

    This Sunday, we heard from 3 prospective missionaries during our evening livestream.

  • World Missions Sunday

    This Sunday, we heard from 2 missionary couples: Aruj and Patt Jugsujinda, missionaries to Thailand, and David and Naomi Minnick, missionaries to Australia.

  • 1 John 4:7-14

    The Divine, Practical Purpose of the Incarnation.

    Love is talked about often during the Christmas season. The love of God in our hearts produces hope (Romans 5:5). The Holy Spirit instructs us about God's love. The gifts given by the Holy Spirit are to be lived out in love (1 Corinthians 13:1-13 and 1 Peter 4:9-11). It is God Himself who teaches us to love (1 Thessalonians 4:9-10).