
  • Titus 3:1-2

    The Gospel Makes us Citizens of Heaven First.

  • Ecclesiastes 8:2-17

    Wisdom Addresses the Inequity in Human Government.

    Ecclesiastes 8:12-17 are addressed primarily to the wise employee of a despotic king. Though we are not all government employees, all of God's people can learn a wise disposition while we live under human government from these verses.

  • Ecclesiastes 8

    Wisdom Addresses the Inequity in Human Government.

    Ecclesiastes 8:1-15 is our last set of verses in the third section of this book. These verses tell us how to respond to darkness in government. Ecclesiastes 8:15 sums up the conclusion of the whole section: an exhortation to enjoy life. We should never let inequity in government distract us from living joyfully as Christians.

  • Ecclesiastes 5:8-17

    Wisdom Addressing Bureaucracy and Wealth.

    Ecclesiastes 5:8-17 show that God is comfortable talking about politics and finance. These topics often cause tension, but we can converse confidently about what God says about each of these areas of human life.

  • Romans 13:1-7

    A Servant of God for Good.

    Romans 13 must be read in the context of Romans 12. Great Commission living characterized by love includes our lives as citizens. God has graced us with human government, and every person is influenced by it. Our interaction should be marked by righteousness.

  • 1 Timothy 2:1-2

    Prayer for the Lost in Authority.

    In 1 Timothy 2, Paul moves from philosophy to practical instruction for Timothy and the Ephesian churches. What would you say is the most important thing for a new church? Paul says the number-one priority for the church is prayer, with a primarily evangelistic focus. Our responsibility to the state is to pray for the salvation of our leaders.