
  • John 20:11-23

    Lessons from the Resurrection Appearances, Part 2: The Resurrection Transforms Grief to Purpose.

    Little is known about Mary Magdalene whose name bears her origin, a town on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. John depicts Mary as a woman of strength, faith, and unwavering devotion.

  • John 14:1-6

    Do Not Let Your Heart Be Troubled

    John 14 opens in the midst of Jesus’s dialogue, a continuation from the previous chapter. The evening had begun with Jesus, their Rabbi and Messiah, humbly washing the disciples’ feet, followed by Jesus’s troubling statements that He was going away, and they could not come.

    The disciples are troubled. Jesus leaving them is an unimaginable situation for the those who had left everything to follow Him. Though they claim they would lay down their lives for Him, Jesus predicts that the disciples will fail Him.

  • John 9:13-39

    What kind of judgment does Jesus bring?

    In this chapter, Jesus tells us that it is for judgment He came into this world and that those who think they see will become blind. But what does Jesus mean by judgment?

  • John 7:1-14

    A Time to Assess.

    John writes his gospel three decades after the other gospel writers with the purpose of proving that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, so that we might believe, and in believing, that we might have life through His name. It is interesting to note that John 1-11 covers almost three years, while John 12-21 covers three days. A chapter of assessment, John 7:1-14 is specifically an assessment of the situation. Jesus is at the end of His Galilean ministry and has reached the zenith of His popularity. In Galilee, not even Jesus’s biological brothers are believing in Him (John 7:5), and the fury against Christ in Jerusalem is increasing as the head Jews seek to kill Him (John 7:1). Knowing His death will be the following year in Jerusalem, Jesus proceeds with the wisdom of God to perfectly observe the Mosaic feasts as the sinless Son of God.

  • Hebrews 2:10-18

    The Necessity of the Incarnation for Salvation & the Perseverance of the Saints.

    God is light. When Jesus came to earth, He shone as a bright contrast to the dark world of sin and sadness. Divinity had to take on humanity to fulfill God's purposes. Incarnation was appropriate, necessary, and is a non-negotiable doctrine of Christianity.

  • Psalm 46

    A Psalm of Trust.

    Comforting verses are often quoted out of context. Think of Philippians 4:13 or Lamentations 3:22-23. The context of these verses does not diminish their impact; it actually enriches our understanding of the comfort they provide. Psalm 46:10 is one of those familiar verses.

  • Luke 12:1-12

    The Requirements and Assurances of Being Christ’s Disciple.

    Luke presents Jesus as the Son of Man, rejected by Israel, offered to the Gentiles. In this presentation, Jesus is seen as a universal Savior. The second book written by Luke, Acts is about the ministry of Jesus’ disciples after Jesus rose from the dead and went back to Heaven. In Acts we see the Gospel of Jesus spread from Jerusalem in Israel all the way to the ends of the known world.

  • Mark 6:45-52

    A Shelter in Time of Storm.

    Three Gospel writers record the narrative found in Mark 6:45-52. Mark writes with his theme in mind: Jesus as servant (Mark 10:45).

  • Psalm 56

    How do we deal with the real presence of fear in our lives?

    Should believers still struggle with fear? What purpose does fear play in our life? How should we handle fear when it creeps in? What a relief to know that both David and Paul feared at times, as we see in Romans and Psalms. Part of God's work in our lives is allowing circumstances that cause fear.

  • Psalm 25

    Have you ever cried out to the Lord hoping he would hear you? Have you ever wondered does God really hear? Psalm 25 indicates that there are those who are confident that the Lord hears them. You can know this assurance.

  • Genesis 20

    Supreme faith waits for God in crisis and the commonplace.

    The narrative of Genesis 20 might look familiar, because we saw a similar story in Genesis 12. This is Abram’s second failure to trust God with his wife and his personal safety. Whenever God’s Word repeats itself, there is something for us to learn.