
  • Ephesians 5:21-24

    Roles that Reflect Christ: Submission

  • Ephesians 5:21–6:9

    Humble Submission Pictures Christ

  • John 16:12-33

    The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

    In chapter 15, Jesus tells us there are going to be difficulties for His followers. These difficulties come from the world outside the church and from within it. One would think this would be the best time for Jesus to be by our side. However, He also tells His disciples that He will be going away -- and that it is to their advantage that He goes away.

  • John 1:35-42

    Following Jesus

    In John 1, Andrew and Simon Peter are introduced to Jesus, the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world. Though both follow Jesus, they have not yet officially left their nets to follow him as seen in the other gospels. After spending time with Jesus, Andrew hurries to find his brother, Simon Peter.

  • Job 42

    Job's Repentance.

    We grieve most when there are no answers to our questioning "why?".
  • Titus 3:1-2

    The Gospel Makes us Citizens of Heaven First.

  • Titus 1-2

    Grace Develops God's People to Live Counter-Culturally among All People.

    We're taking a break from our series on 2 Corinthians for a few weeks to study Titus 3:1-11. This passage will be our ultimate focus; but first, we need to know the context of the whole book.

  • Romans 13:1-7

    A Servant of God for Good.

    Romans 13 must be read in the context of Romans 12. Great Commission living characterized by love includes our lives as citizens. God has graced us with human government, and every person is influenced by it. Our interaction should be marked by righteousness.

  • Romans 10:14-17

    Our Joyful Duty that Balances our Personal Agony.

    Grasping the meaning and context of Romans 10:14-17 will ensure a church's existence for years to come and a spiritual progeny until Jesus returns. The incorrect preaching of this passage will bring decline and demise to a church.

  • John 17:1-5

    In our study of how to please God through our whole life, we are beginning with the spirit – the part of us that is being renewed against the effects of sin. Those who are born again have a new nature that is fed through our devotion to prayer and reading God's Word.

    One writer said, "Whatever causes us to pray is a good thing." The Bible is chock-full of examples of God's people praying to Him. In John 17, we read an example of Jesus Himself praying. Christ relied heavily on prayer to sustain His life and ministry. His prayer in this passage shows the purpose of His life. We too can find particular purpose for our lives by studying this prayer and praying similarly.

  • Philippians 2

    Pastor Robert Potter - Christ's Missions Mindset.

    The Christian life is a battle for the mind. Many minds in our culture seek to convince people to think like them. But there is no mind that can compare to the mind of Christ. Every Christian who has made Christ their Lord and Savior has the mind of Christ! We are commanded to let His mind continually be operational in us.

  • Mother's Day: Mary, the Mother of Jesus

    Mothers Who Prepare Their Children to Be Spiritual Leaders.

    From preachers to presidents, good leaders have often praised the value of virtuous mothers. We celebrate motherhood this week because the Bible also honors women. Jewish genealogies did not include women, yet Jesus' mother is mentioned by name in Matthew 1:16. The Bible mentions Mary because she displays several virtues that should characterize all Christians. What can we learn from her godly example?

  • Acts 16

    Learning Boldness

    Timothy’s life is instructive as we learn to live worship-filled lives in 2015. He certainly demonstrates a worship-filled life even though we have not yet seen him in a formal worship setting!