Genesis 14

  • Genesis 14:17-24

    Tender Compassion Ministers to Compromise in Peril.

    Abram’s life is a study in perseverance by grace.

    Lot had formerly walked with the Lord, and he knew enough to be convicted of his compromise. Yet he did not act on this conviction or repent in the face of Abram’s merciful ministry.

  • Genesis 14

    Tender compassion ministers to compromise in peril

    Genesis 14 takes a “compare and contrast” method to present truth. Lot’s story continues as a subplot in the Abram narrative, showing the life of a righteous person who does not persevere well as Abram did. Lot’s life demonstrates that the way of the transgressor is hard, and it doesn’t get easier.

    In contrast, Abram dwells in stability, prosperity, hope, and peace. As we walk with the Lord, darkness around us will naturally be exposed.