
  • Ephesians 5:28-33

    Roles that Reflect Christ: Unity

  • Ephesians 4:7-12, Part 1

    Unity Through Diverse Gifts, Part 1

  • John 17:20-26

    The Joy of Discipleship in Unity.

    John 17 contains Jesus’s longest prayer, known as the high priestly prayer, which He prays after the upper room discourse, after telling the disciples to not let their hearts be troubled because He is going away and they cannot come. Jesus prays this prayer with the agony of the cross before Him.

  • Philippians 2:1-11

    The Significance of Christmas for the Believer’s Joy

    In the book of Philippians, Paul builds a pathway to joy for the believer. Joy is the product of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus is the source of joy and the provision for the forgiveness of our sins. Other religions teach that you never really know if your sins are forgiven. However, the Bible tells us we can know full assurance of forgiveness. We can know that we are born again. That is the gateway for joy.

  • Philippians 2:1-4

    Maintaining Relationships for Gospel Advancement

    In Philippians 2:1-4, Paul discusses the necessity of maintaining relationships in Christ so a robust gospel effort can be achieved by the local church. This gospel effort is first individual, disciples of Christ making disciples.

  • Mother's Day: 1 Timothy 5:1-2

    The Dignity of Biblical Womanhood

    It is the nature of godly women to nurture and nest in their homes, and this carries over into the church body with eternal significance. Our church appreciates all the care, provision, prayer, and teaching consistently worked by each of our godly ladies. Their willingness to allow God’s faithfulness to be demonstrated through them is a blessing. Their loyalty to the Lord, to their families and homes, and to the purpose of God in Christ Jesus here at Grace Church provides for us godly examples and establishes a spiritual legacy. Ladies, when progress seems fleeting and insignificant, remain faithful -- for God is faithful.

  • 2 Timothy 4, part 2

    Preparing to Celebrate Our 75th Year as a Church – Part 2.

    2 Timothy 4 gives reminders by way of command of how to nurture that which has been established at Grace Church of Mentor these past seventy-five years and how to maintain it for the next seventy-five years. Timothy is instructed by Paul to preach the Word (2 Tim. 4:2). Through the preaching of the Word, that which has been established for the gospel is nurtured, cared for, and maintained. The necessity of caring for each other is understood by Paul’s encouragement to Timothy to make every effort to come to him by winter (2 Tim. 4:9, 21). That which has been established is nurtured by the interdependent, mutual care of the flock. Galatians 6 teaches that we need to sow exceedingly in caring for one another so that we can reap what is eternal.

  • Colossians 3

    We are studying some areas where God has grown us as a church body over the past few years. Last week, we looked at our identity and how we must view each other first as children of God and not any other label. There will be harmony in the church when we maintain unity.

  • 2 Corinthians 13

    Defending the Value of Spiritual Authority.

    Unbelief seeks to undermine spiritual authority. Without integrity, authority undermines itself. In 2 Corinthians 13, Paul continues to write about what Spirit-filled authority with integrity is and does.

  • 2 Corinthians 11:21-12:21

    Genuine, Spiritual God-Appointed Authority

    Paul finishes the second letter of Corinthians with the goal of protecting the purity of the church, allowing the church to understand what divine authority is, and what divine authority is supposed to do.

  • Psalm 133

    True Unity Comes from God Alone.

    Psalm 133 has a simple structure around the theme of unity. In reality, unity is not as simple as it sounds. Our unity is only as good as our Savior; if we lack unity, it might be because we are not in our Savior.

  • 2 Corinthians 7:11

    God's Grace Compels Us to Pursue Holiness in Relationships.

    When resolving conflict between Christians, these three areas are necessary to consider: identity, growth, and humanity. Anyone in Christ must be viewed from that vantage point; therefore, we must assume that spiritual growth is happening in their life. The Holy Spirit is never dormant.

  • 1 Corinthians 11:17-35

    Jesus' Gold Standard of Love

    1 Corinthians is a letter to a church that found itself in the most influential and cosmopolitan city of its day. Yet this was a troubled church. The church received the gospel, but it was not governed by it. In many practical ways, the church was governed by culturally-derived mottos rather than mature reflection on the gospel and its implications for life.

  • 2 Corinthians 4:3-6

    The Message of Gospel Ministry.

    God’s nature is unity (Deuteronomy 6:4). When we are baptized into Christ, we are one with Him and with each other spiritually (John 17:11, 20-22). David and Solomon both praised the importance of unity among God’s people (Psalm 133:1, Proverbs 6:17-19). Anyone who dismisses the unity God has created and spreads strife unnecessarily is considered an abomination. The job of believers in the church is to maintain the unity of the Spirit in peace (Ephesians 4:3, Philippians 4:2). God’s people love what God has provided and persevere in unity.

  • Ephesians 4:4-5

    The Beauty of the Body of Christ.

    God places us in each of our specific contexts for an eternal purpose (1 Corinthians 12:18, Matthew 28:19-20).

  • Ephesians 4:3-4

    Understanding the Nature and Practice of Spiritual Togetherness.

    Ephesians 4 begins the practical section of the book in which Paul lays out the spiritual maturity necessary to produce godly character. Maturing Christians have the attitude that they have never arrived.

  • Ephesians 4:3

    Understanding the Nature and Practice of Spiritual Togetherness.

    Unity in Christ's body is maintained by more than individual behavior and relationships. It is maintained by having a unified mission.

  • Ephesians 4:2, 1 Peter 4:7-11

    Understanding the Nature and Practice of Spiritual Togetherness.

    Spiritual togetherness is another way to say "unity." Believers will be spiritually one as we understand who God is and who we are in Christ. We should not want to live life alone.

  • Ephesians 4:2-3

    Cultivating Togetherness.

    Humans need to be together and to celebrate something bigger than themselves. We also need to be together as God's people. We prepare to be with each other, and we enjoy being with our Christian family. Our unity is based on our position in Christ and our disposition produced by the fruit of the Spirit.

  • Ephesians 4:1-7

    Doing Divine Things Together.

    Our theme for the year is not just a slogan; it is a practice of our faith. Our church's One Legacy goals for the year are things we have to do together, because that is how God designed the body of Christ to work.