
  • Ephesians 6:10-13

    The Church that Stands Firm Will Stand Firm

  • Ephesians 1:13-14

    Praise God for Our Salvation, Part 3: Praise to the Spirit.

    Ephesians teaches that every spiritual blessing is from God, and the blessing of security comes by way of the Holy Spirit.

    Every believer has been sealed in Christ by the Holy Spirit of promise (2 Cor. 1:22). This is experienced permanently at the moment of salvation. Christians are warned not to grieve the Holy Spirit by whom they were sealed until the day of redemption (Eph. 4:30).

    The sealing of the Holy Spirit secures our salvation, future, and ownership to the praise of God’s glory and grace.

  • 2 Corinthians 11:7-12

    Protecting the Church in Humility.

    C.H. Spurgeon wrote in Lectures to My Students, "Cautious hesitancy is, in 9 cases out of 10, cowardly betrayal. The best policy is never to be diplomatic but to proclaim every atom of the truth of God's Word so far as God has taught it to you."

    Paul continues to protect the Corinthian church with humility and transparency, pouring himself out so they will avoid spiritual relapse. He does not want them to entertain those seeking to pull them away from the sufficiency of Christ.

  • 2 Corinthians 10:12-18

    The Purpose of Your Existence.

    Paul continues to call the Corinthian believers alongside himself to participate in protecting the church. Every believer has a role to build up and protect the church, not destroy.

  • 2 Corinthians 10:7-11

    Protecting Genuine Faith.

    Spirit-filled people who are walking with God love and protect the church. Paul calls the Corinthians alongside to help protect their own congregation.

  • Romans 16:17-24

    The Final Touch of Grace.

    Paul includes two unusual elements at the end of his letter to the Roman Christians. He gives a final instruction about protecting the health of a good church and closes with a 3-verse doxology. (He normally ends his letters with a prayer of benediction.) Though danger was not present in the Roman church yet, spiritual danger is always imminent. He warned the church in Rome so they would be ready.

  • John 17:9-19

    Individually Bearing the Name of Jesus in Our Time.

    Prayer and Bible study are essential to the development of our spirit, that part of us that communicates with God. We are studying Jesus' prayer in John 17 to find the purpose of His life and how we can imitate it. In the second section, Jesus prays for His disciples at that time. His specific request in verse 11 is that they would be kept in the Father's name.