
  • John 21:1-8

    The Resurrection Appearance Teaches that Christ Is Our Provider.

    John 21 records Jesus’s love and care for Peter. Believers often identify with Peter’s frailty of faith. In His appearance to Peter on the shores of Galilee, Jesus teaches Peter that He is the Provider even when a believer fails Him.

  • John 15:1-8

    What It Means to Abide in Jesus.

    Jesus gives us a beautiful illustration in John 15. Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches. If we abide in Him, we will have life and bear fruit.

  • 1 Timothy 1:18-20

    Keeping Faith and a Good Conscience.

    1 and 2 Timothy have seventy-five commands for us to obey with intention and integrity. One of those commands is found in 1 Timothy 1:18-20. The word "faith" in verse 19 is synonymous with the word "command" in verse 18, so "keeping faith" could read "keeping the command."

    The word "keeping" means to bear or wear the faith/command, allowing it to become part of our person. The faith is the body of doctrines written and preserved in the Word of God for us to obey.

    Each of us is to keep this faith with a good conscience. A person’s conscience is well instructed and at peace when it knows and lives the commands of Scripture. Paul also mentions the conscience in 1 Timothy 1 and 3. Each mention is tied directly to the command of Scripture, the instruction of Scripture, and the mystery of faith pertaining to the Word of God and the gospel message of Jesus Christ.

  • 2 Timothy 2:1-2

    Conventional and Unconventional Wisdom in Transitioning The Pastor-Teacher

    Listening to conventional wisdom has not allowed us to hear all that the Bible has to say. Biblical wisdom says that we have a responsibility to train more pastors. In 2 Timothy 2:1-2, Paul instructs Timothy to entrust the things he’s been taught to faithful men. “The things which you have heard from me” -- these things Paul wanted Timothy to pass along to pastor-teachers.

  • John 14:12-15

    Principles of Prayer:

    Jesus is going to depart, and the disciples cannot go with Him. Jesus says, “Do not let your heart be troubled (John 14:1).” While the disciples had Jesus physically present, they did not need to pray to Him, making the instructions given by Him in John 14:12-15 to pray in Jesus’s name new information.

    Prayer is a tool given to Christ’s disciples to encourage their belief in Him. We cannot grow in our faith without prayer. Believers must rightly understand and exercise prayer in agreement with the Word of God.

  • 2 Thessalonians 3

    Our 75th Anniversary Celebrating God's Faithfulness.

  • 2 Timothy 4

    New Year's Morning Worship: Preparing to Celebrate Our 75th Year as a Church.

    It is worth celebrating the tenure of someone or something good. The long-lasting nature of something good means it was established on virtue which has been nurtured. All this year, Grace Church will be celebrating that which is virtuous in a spiritual sense and how we nurture it going forward. Those things which endure have been established on core principles and carefully maintained, and this is also true of the church. Jesus said that upon this rock (Him) He would build His church; and the gates of hell would not prevail against it (Matt. 16:18). The church endures because Jesus ensures that it will.

  • 2 Timothy 1

    Sincere, Unfeigned Faith.

    Today we will study sincere, unfeigned faith and how Timothy lived out this sincere faith that was modeled by his grandmother and mother.

  • 2 Corinthians 11:1-6

    Humble Ownership of Gospel Ministry.

    God uses broken people and makes us strong in Christ (2 Corinthians 4:7-12). Though they were still spiritually rehabilitating, the Corinthians were enlisted by Paul to join in protecting their Gospel future.

  • 2 Corinthians 4:1-2

    The Motivation and Activity of Ministry with Integrity.

    Paul's discussion of ministry with integrity permeates 2 Corinthians through chapter 7. 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 can be divided into 5 sections which we will study over a couple weeks.

  • 2 Corinthians 1:18-20

    The Promises of God for Personal Relationships.

    As we continue to study 2 Corinthians 1, we will see what Paul's ministry meant to interdependent relationships within the church. All the promises of God for personal relationships in the church are presented, received, and fulfilled in the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, Christian relationships can and should thrive in Him. This does not mean there will be no struggle; but healing and progress can always be found in the Gospel. The unwavering nature of the Gospel message helps us regain spiritual confidence after conflict.

  • Joshua 23-24

    The Lord Desires Us to Maintain the Pillars of Sustainable Faithfulness.

    As we prepare to "re-enter" society following shutdowns on a national and international level, we are preparing ourselves for more change. Though the natural rhythms of life remain the same, they may look different from what we were used to before the pandemic. But we will be okay by God's grace. Our circumstances and cultures may change, but God's beauty and order do not. Some of our spiritual habits should never change either.

  • Introduction to Ecclesiastes

    Living Life on Purpose.

    We have spent the first part of this year studying how to walk in a way that pleases God by living His character. The next book we will study as a church family is one that shows us how to do this.

  • 1 Thessalonians 5

    The Natural Fruit of Expectant Believers.

    Looking for Jesus Christ's return motivates us to live in a proper manner. Faithful living is personal and characterized by a loving disposition and moral behavior. God is faithful to enable you to grow on your own, but He also wants you to be helped by others in a local church family. This interdependence will have a supernatural influence inside and outside the church.

  • Luke 2:25-38

    The Wisdom of Anticipation: Old Testament.

    The longer you walk with the Lord as your Savior, the more you long to see Him face to face. This was true of both Simeon and Anna in Luke 2.

  • Romans 16:3-5

    Profiles of Grace.

    In the first century, names were given with significant thought. In the longest list of names found in Paul's epistles, however, it is not the names themselves that are the most important. It is the fact that these people are "in Christ" and "in the Lord," which is repeated 11 times in 23 verses. Some of the people in this list were slaves with no formal names aside from the household they served. Slave or free, when they were saved, these believers were given a greater identity in their Savior.

  • 2 Timothy 1:1-7

    The Spiritual Influence of a Mother's Sincere Faith.

    Mothers are unique in their ability to influence each generation. In 2 Timothy 1:1-7, Paul memorializes a single critical trait that believing moms must prioritize. A mother's sincere faith is a powerful inducement for her children to to persevere.

  • Romans 11:11-32

    God's Mercy Is Everlasting.

    What Paul says about Israel in his context can be applied to religious people in our context. Even those who are stuck in their ways have not stumbled so badly as to never have opportunity to be saved again. The offer of salvation is always given to them. What Paul says of Gentiles in his context applies to irreligious people today. As they accept Christ, religious people see the joy that results and become jealous.

  • Philippians 3:12-16

    God’s Mercy for the New Year. A Look Forward: Celebrating the Church.

    Knowing our history and considering the future both bring us closer to each other and the Lord.

  • Psalm 136

    God’s Mercy for the New Year.

    A Look Back: God Is Loyal to His People.