
  • John 21:18-25

    Jesus’ Demand for His Disciples (John 21:18-25)

    John ends his gospel by describing the way that Peter will die. His Master uses dialogue to address this topic. There is a problem with Peter that must be addressed, a problem that we all have as believers. Comparing ourselves is a serious problem revealed by Peter’s question, “Lord, what about him?” When we compare ourselves, we take our focus off of who Jesus is.

  • Philippians 2:1-11

    The Significance of Christmas for the Believer’s Joy

    In the book of Philippians, Paul builds a pathway to joy for the believer. Joy is the product of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus is the source of joy and the provision for the forgiveness of our sins. Other religions teach that you never really know if your sins are forgiven. However, the Bible tells us we can know full assurance of forgiveness. We can know that we are born again. That is the gateway for joy.

  • Matthew 6:25-34

    The Provision of God in the New Year.

    It is natural for humans to worry, but in a life governed by God, worry will be controlled. Believers don't have to dwell in anxiety.

  • Genesis 32

    Our spiritual strength comes from our surrender to God.

    Along the path of Christian growth, sometimes we can feel like we’re stuck in a traffic jam on a one-lane highway. The pace slows sometimes with trials and afflictions, and other times it speeds up. The Lord determines the pace.

    As Genesis 32 begins, Jacob’s pace is picking up. He’s reminded that divine help always goes with him along the way. Likewise, Christians have angelic forces that minister to us, always working to help us be more like Christ.

  • The Book of Ephesians

    Theme: The theme of the book of Ephesians is The Church Glorified.

    At Grace Church of Mentor, you will primarily hear expositional preaching of a whole book in its parts and not many topical series. We preach this way because:

    • It cultivates the discipline of starting and finishing.
    • It helps God’s people sharpen their interpretation skills through learning context and hermeneutics in order to apply truth to the culture.
    • It reveals each person’s spiritual strength and weakness
    • It strengthens spiritual maturity.
    • It protects the flock from wolves within and without.
    • It helps us to systematically focus on truths mentioned in other places in the Bible.